Welcome to the home of "The Silent Minority". |
We are a mixed European and US Everquest guild on the Rathe server (ex- Prexus, Ex Terris Thule). We are a family type raiding-guild that values friendship and fun. We raid once per week at European evenings (early US time) as well as having one US evening raid. We may add back in a third afternoon raid. Read here
for more info about us! |
Applications: |
Applications are open for most classes - klick here
for our application page. |
T3 raids went live | We managed to beat the General down as he tried to use the ship itself to throw us off with no luck.
The Custodian tried hard to keep us from wresting control from him over the heart of the beast but like the General it failed as well.
| Submitted by: Drakang(02 March 2025) |
Brood Architect finally finished off. | The Brood Architect proved very challenging but another Server first win for TSM.
| Submitted by: Drakang(22 February 2025) |
TOB T2 raids | The second set of Outer Brood raids proved much more challenging. But we did Silence the Cannons and Clear out the Dock of the Bay.
| Submitted by: Drakang(02 February 2025) |
The Outer Brood 0 - TSM 2 | The Outer Brood faced off against TSM in the first raids to stop them and we killed the Herald and the Trainer in our first attempts.
Excellent work TSM
Submitted by: Drakang(04 January 2025) |