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    OOW Spell Turnin Progression
    Level 66:
    Minor Muramite Rune
    1. Ethereal Rune
    2. Salik's Animation
    3. Mystic Shield
    4. Cloud of Indifference
    5. Synapsis Spasm
    Level 67:
    Lesser Muramite Rune
    1. Speed of Salik
    2. Felicity
    3. Placate
    4. Rune of Salik
    5. Anxiety Attack (unsure)
    Level 68:
    Muramite Rune
    1. Clairvoyance
    2. Wall of Alendar
    3. Compel
    4. Psychosis
    5. Circle of Dreams (unsure)
    Level 69:
    Greater Muramite Rune
    1. Mayhem
    2. Arcane Noose
    3. Euphoria
    4. Color Snap
    5. Wake of Felicity
    6. Desolate Deeds
    7. Wake of Felicity (unsure place)
    Level 70:
    Glowing Muramite Rune
    1. Circle of Alendar
    2. Hastening of Salik
    3. Voice of Clairvoyance
    4. True Name
    1. Ancient: Neurosis
    2. Ancient: Voice of Muram


    • Cadara verified that Ancient Neurosis is first, then Voice of Muram 2nd Ancient spell


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