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In the Endurance Trial you have to tank 2 nameds and kill adds that pop at different spots and need root/offtank/mez. The HPs of the nameds are linked to the adds - so kill adds and win.


The Projection of Body is in the SW part of MPG. Best to clear from ODI


Group Setup: (need 2 Maintank groups, 2 root groups, 2 offtank groups)

Ideal Main Tank Group Ideal Root Group Ideal Offtank Group
1. Warrior
2. Warrior
3. Shaman/Druid)
4. Cleric
5. Cleric
6. Cleric
1. Ranger
2. Ranger
3. Healer
4. Slower
5. Ranger
6. Ranger(Paladin can fufil this role if you have one spare.)
1. Knight
2. Knight
3. Slower
4. Healer
5. Healer
6. Anything



Light Green(Pedastal 1) = Rootable Mobs pop here.
Blue(Pedastal 2 and 6) = Offtanked Mobs pop here.
Red(Pedastal 3 and 4) = Nothing spawns here, best spot to offtank each named for the duration of the trial.
Yellow(Pedastal 5) = Mezzable Mobs pop here.
White(Centre Platform) = Offtanked Mobs pop here.
  • Position your raid force in between pedastal 3 and 4. Healers east and tanks/melees west.
  • Place Enchanters to the south of the force, west of pedastal 4.
  • Place Rangers south east of Pedastal 1 but north west of the raid force.
  • Place Tanks south of pedastal 2 and north of pedastal 6.
  • Rest of Tanks sit just west of the healers on the east wall.
  • Assign each one of your main tank groups to pedastal 3 and 4.

Positions i'll talk about what you got to actually do and the best way to do it.


The Two Nameds:

Pure Melee

Complex Gravity
NPC Hatelist 400', Magic (-450)
1: Increase Curse Counter by 75
2: Decrease Movement by 65%
3: Decrease Mana by 35 per tick
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 150 per tick
5: Decrease STR by 100




The Adds:


pops at pedestal 5 and is MEZZABLE


hits 1200 and runs at bard speed


All Enchatners in your raid must be ready for these guys and mezz them off the bat.

On the centre platform you will get two A Muramite Sentinel per wave. These will run directly east towards your raid and must be intercepted before splatting the healers.








Zellucheraz the Ancient + Ansdaicher the Ancient are up on the centre platform at the start. Upon starting the trial, pull each one to pedastal 3 and 4. Have 1 'Main Tank' group on each Ancient(2) a 3Cleric ch rotation is the least amount you can do this with, but i reccomend 4 so that if one cleric dies the slack can be taken up by the extra cleric.

Upon starting the trial and pulling the nameds to your position, adds will begin to spawn and charge the raid.



***** will spawn at pedastal 1 and charge the raid. These guys are rootable and should be rooted aaway from the healers. Rangers should do this, positioning themselves between the raid and the sapwn point, ready for fast cast aggro then pulled away and rooted elsewhere.


At pedastal 2 and 6 offtanks must be ready to aggro a spawn and pull it to the raid in controlled manner for killing.

A Frantic Discordling + A Dragorn Antagonist + A Dragorn Champion are all the offtankable adds.



Tips for Trial of Endurance
The key to this trial is controlling the adds and the key to that is having your tanks/enchatners/rangers positioned correctly and knowing their roles. /tells to these key classes telling them what to do and what to expect will make this event alot smoother.
All melees must be expected to intercept the adds before they get to the healers, be it Beastlord of Bard, stopping those adds form wiping your Clerics is important.
Mak sure the main asssit is killing the offtanked and rooted first, if your raid has high dps then hitting a mezzed mob or two helps but Enchanters will have enough mana to hold it throughout. (Based on a 3 Enchanter turn out- in Qvic gear)





Make sure the raid know the colour codes of these Dragorns. Browns are mezzed. Greys are rooted(to be confirmed) and Purple are offtanked. Having a force that knows what each mobs does at a glance is important in preventing broken mezzes/root breaks and generally speeding up reaction times.







Alright heres a set-up that will work if done right... Main force set's up in the middle platform, you will need 2 Warriors set up n get ready to tank down the 2 names. Just offtank them use high delay aggro weapons to hold em more ripostes faster you'll die.

The Knights will be your assists for the adds for the lightning/fiend mobs, enchanters will be mezzing the dragorns *need around 3 to be effcient*

All your casters/healers should be up top while your melee are getting ready to assist the Knights to kill... I have not seen a certain order the adds pop out of but its best to stick knights infront of each til enchanters get on top of their adds... Mez n kill them down *never kill the dragorns*

You got 20 mins and trial is over. There is no goal to kill but to stay alive. If your main warriors die, its over :)


Nasty Encounter, Dragorn Champ hit me for highest 1210 with Migration. Not to mention the 6 of them there was and the 2 names that hit for over 2k.

Mmaxx Rage'Slower 70 Beastlord
Yomikey Woodlin'Caller 69 Druid