Item | DKP |
Insignia of the Kings Hand | 20 | (2024-07-28 14:30:00) |
Spiked Hammer of the Forge | 20 | (2024-07-21 14:30:00) |
Minor Emblem of the Forge | 2 | (2024-07-20 18:55:00) |
Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor | 20 | (2024-07-07 14:25:00) |
Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor | 22 | (2024-07-07 14:25:00) |
Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor | 21 | (2024-07-07 14:25:00) |
Elddar Cinch | 20 | (2024-07-07 14:25:00) |
Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor | 20 | (2024-07-07 14:25:00) |
Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor | 21 | (2024-07-07 14:25:00) |
darkwater gloves | 90 | (2015-08-15 19:00:00) |
collio scribia | 90 | (2015-08-15 19:00:00) |
clipi stella | 45 | (2015-08-08 18:00:00) |
ira facius | 30 | (2015-08-08 18:00:00) |
anulia lingium | 87 | (2015-07-18 19:00:00) |
glowing essence of the citadel x2 | 200 | (2015-07-12 14:30:00) |
leatum | 20 | (2015-07-12 14:30:00) |
Festinata Lemmai | 20 | (2015-06-08 14:30:00) |
locus anulium | 57.5 | (2015-06-06 19:00:00) |
girdle of the weaponmaster | 45 | (2015-06-02 15:00:00) |
incidiorex | 20 | (2015-05-31 14:30:00) |
scribis umerium | 106 | (2015-05-23 18:00:00) |
median essence of the citadel x2 | 51 | (2015-05-16 19:00:00) |
greater essence of the citadel | 35 | (2015-05-09 19:00:00) |
liquid rage | 48 | (2015-04-14 15:00:00) |
lesser essence of the citadel | 36 | (2015-04-14 15:00:00) |
greater essence of the citadel | 51 | (2015-04-12 14:30:00) |
Minor Essence of the Citadel | 28 | (2015-04-11 19:00:00) |
Incidiorex | 45 | (2015-04-11 19:00:00) |
Median Essence of the Citadel | 55 | (2015-04-11 19:00:00) |
boots of flowing ether | 101 | (2015-04-07 15:00:00) |
frendia | 35 | (2015-03-14 19:00:00) |
Lieutenant's Ornamental Blade | 10 | (2015-03-12 14:30:00) |
gaudy ruby encrusted band | 26 | (2014-05-22 14:30:00) |
jerard, the doll of silent confessions | 63.5 | (2014-05-01 14:30:00) |
finely threaded shawl | 30 | (2014-04-08 14:30:00) |
gloves of suppressed ether | 35 | (2014-04-06 14:30:00) |
slice of dread | 10 | (2014-04-06 14:30:00) |
naythox's keeper of order | 20 | (2014-04-05 19:00:00) |
underythmic gourd | 25 | (2014-04-01 14:30:00) |
xin xakreum, baton of the war spirit | 10 | (2014-04-01 14:30:00) |
fypsalm, the last note | 11 | (2014-03-30 14:30:00) |
dread infused tunic | 40 | (2014-03-30 14:30:00) |
helm of suppressed ether | 45 | (2014-03-29 19:00:00) |
bracer of suppressed either x2 | 104 | (2014-03-06 14:30:00) |
skirsong, the imbalanced conscience | 25 | (2014-03-04 14:30:00) |
Royal Thex Mallet | 25 | (2014-03-02 14:30:00) |
Thrice-Woven Girdle of Immensity | 35 | (2014-02-11 14:30:00) |
Leather Girdle of Girded Loins | 20 | (2014-02-09 14:30:00) |
Captured Essence of Ethernere | 3 | (2014-02-08 19:00:00) |
captured essence of ethernere | 3 | (2014-02-04 14:30:00) |
captured essence of ethernere | 3 | (2014-02-02 14:30:00) |
captured essence of ethernere | 5 | (2014-02-01 19:00:00) |
dread washed helm | 23 | (2014-01-11 19:00:00) |
sliver of madness | 20 | (2014-01-05 14:30:00) |
eye of fear | 20 | (2014-01-05 14:30:00) |
bonesnap earring | 38 | (2014-01-04 19:00:00) |
Dread Washed Leggings | 17 | (2013-12-14 19:00:00) |
Dread Infused Armguards | 81 | (2013-12-12 14:30:00) |
Glowing Terrormote | 3 | (2013-11-19 14:30:00) |
glowing terrormote | 3 | (2013-11-17 14:30:00) |
glowing terrormote | 4 | (2013-11-16 19:00:00) |
Dread Infused Gloves | 56.5 | (2013-11-14 14:30:00) |
Icon of the Silent Assassin | 21 | (2013-11-12 14:30:00) |
mask of the cyclops | 24 | (2013-11-10 14:30:00) |
Stinging Spaulders | 51 | (2013-11-07 14:30:00) |
Dread Washed Leggings | 51 | (2013-11-07 14:30:00) |
cold steel wingblade | 75 | (2013-10-20 14:30:00) |
captured essence of ethernere | 35 | (2013-10-20 14:30:00) |
dread infused helm | 75 | (2013-10-19 19:00:00) |
scorched chitin faceguard | 21 | (2013-10-12 19:00:00) |
eye of fear | 45 | (2013-08-24 19:00:00) |
Resin-Coated Gorget | 21 | (2013-08-22 14:30:00) |
Minor Terrormote | 4 | (2013-08-18 14:30:00) |
Dread Gloves | 24.5 | (2013-08-17 19:00:00) |
Polished Verdant Blade | 23 | (2013-08-15 14:30:00) |
Dread Armguards | 51 | (2013-08-15 14:30:00) |
Dread Bracer | 32 | (2013-07-27 19:00:00) |
Grelleth's Royal Mask | 21 | (2013-07-23 14:30:00) |
Rosary of the Silent Song | 20 | (2013-07-23 14:30:00) |
blade deflector guardbrace | 21 | (2013-07-21 14:30:00) |
vol tekar, edge of light | 28 | (2013-07-21 14:30:00) |
rough jute cloak | 21 | (2013-07-21 14:30:00) |
Greater Terromote | 4 | (2013-07-20 19:00:00) |
Glowing Terrormote | 7 | (2013-07-20 19:00:00) |
Dread Boots | 21 | (2013-07-02 14:30:00) |
Dread Bracer | 23 | (2013-07-02 14:30:00) |
Median Terrormote | 5 | (2013-07-02 14:30:00) |
dread tunic | 50 | (2013-06-29 19:00:00) |
Pulsating Pauldrons | 25 | (2013-06-25 14:30:00) |
misleading visage | 15 | (2013-06-23 14:30:00) |
nightsong ornament | 37 | (2013-06-23 14:30:00) |
Glowing Terrormote | 10 | (2013-06-04 14:30:00) |
Median Terrormote | 4 | (2013-06-04 14:30:00) |
Greater Terrormote | 6 | (2013-06-04 14:30:00) |
Lesser Terrormote | 5 | (2013-06-04 14:30:00) |
median terrormote x2 | 12 | (2013-06-02 14:30:00) |
lesser terrormote | 10 | (2013-06-01 19:00:00) |
snowflake | 10 | (2013-06-01 19:00:00) |
Glowing Terrormote | 10 | (2013-05-30 14:30:00) |
Greater Terrormote | 9 | (2013-05-30 14:30:00) |
Lesser Terrormote | 8 | (2013-05-30 14:30:00) |
belt of living rage | 40 | (2013-05-26 14:30:00) |
yymp's research cleaver | 20 | (2013-05-26 14:30:00) |
Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal | 21 | (2013-05-07 14:30:00) |
primed fragment of fearlinked zeal | 22 | (2013-05-05 14:30:00) |
minor terrormote | 6 | (2013-05-04 19:00:00) |
primed fragment of fearlinked zeal | 38 | (2013-05-04 19:00:00) |
Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal | 22 | (2013-04-23 14:30:00) |
inlaid band of dominance | 120 | (2013-04-21 14:30:00) |
Dread Touched Boots | 51.5 | (2013-03-26 14:30:00) |
Glowing Terrormote | 45 | (2013-03-12 14:30:00) |
Dread Boots | 38 | (2013-03-12 14:30:00) |
Glowing Terrormote | 38 | (2013-03-12 14:30:00) |
Dread Touched Leggings | 81 | (2013-03-12 14:30:00) |
dread touched helm | 46 | (2013-03-09 19:00:00) |
net of the deep sea | 45 | (2013-03-09 19:00:00) |
Midnight Sunshard | 68 | (2013-03-07 14:30:00) |
Dread Touched Armguards | 80 | (2013-03-07 14:30:00) |
Median Terrormote | 20 | (2013-02-26 14:30:00) |
minor terrormote | 15 | (2013-02-23 19:00:00) |
reinforcing collar | 35 | (2013-02-23 19:00:00) |
midasa's dragon slayer | 20 | (2013-02-23 19:00:00) |
Pulsating Pauldrons | 80 | (2013-02-21 14:30:00) |
Unspoken Deliverance | 20 | (2013-02-21 14:30:00) |
Glowing Alaran Periapt | 50 | (2012-09-06 14:30:00) |
Greathammer of the Currents | 11 | (2012-08-30 14:30:00) |
Stately Headdress of Ladrys | 110 | (2012-08-28 14:30:00) |
King's Hide Shield | 40 | (2012-08-28 14:30:00) |
Peacekeeper's Pauldrons | 31.5 | (2012-08-14 14:30:00) |
Greatbow of the Waves | 25 | (2012-08-09 14:30:00) |
glowing alaran periapt | 84.5 | (2012-07-28 19:00:00) |
Lesser Alaran Periapt | 6 | (2012-07-17 14:30:00) |
Minor Alaran Periapt | 10 | (2012-07-17 14:30:00) |
Modest Stole of Ildaera | 42 | (2012-07-12 14:30:00) |
Modest Wristwraps of Ildaera | 22 | (2012-07-12 14:30:00) |
Ladrys Bloom | 45 | (2012-07-10 14:30:00) |
Elegant Armwraps of Oseka | 58.5 | (2012-06-19 14:30:00) |
Lesser Alaran Periapt | 1 | (2012-06-19 14:30:00) |
selitan blade of beloth | 20 | (2012-06-17 14:30:00) |
Ring of Rapture | 65 | (2012-06-05 14:30:00) |
Elegant Headdress of Oseka | 81 | (2012-05-22 14:30:00) |
Elegant Wristwraps of Oseka | 34 | (2012-05-08 14:30:00) |
wavering water pearl | 73 | (2012-05-06 14:30:00) |
beast bone blade | 40 | (2012-04-22 14:30:00) |
cutter | 21 | (2012-04-22 14:30:00) |
Battle Prod | 20 | (2012-04-10 14:30:00) |
elegant wristwraps of oseka | 60 | (2012-04-08 14:30:00) |
ildaera's tear | 23 | (2012-03-25 14:30:00) |
Mark of the Tides | 43 | (2012-03-24 19:00:00) |
Darkwater Pauldrons | 64.5 | (2012-03-13 14:30:00) |
Elegant Legwraps of Oseka | 110 | (2012-02-28 14:30:00) |
sarith emblazoned shield | 110 | (2012-02-12 14:30:00) |
Perspicuous Remnant of Knowledge | 45 | (2012-01-26 14:30:00) |
dreamshadow blade | 89 | (2012-01-15 14:30:00) |
Perspicuous Remnant of Devotion | 80 | (2012-01-03 14:30:00) |
minor alaran periapt | 50 | (2011-12-18 14:30:00) |
median alaran periapt | 50 | (2011-12-18 14:30:00) |
perspicuous remnant of truth | 60 | (2011-12-17 19:00:00) |
Perspicuous Remnant of Greed | 106 | (2011-12-03 19:00:00) |
Glowing Tangible Dream Fragment | 66 | (2011-11-05 19:00:00) |
Glowing Tangible Dream Fragment | 62 | (2011-11-03 15:00:00) |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay | 17 | (2011-10-26 14:30:00) |
staff of earthen retribution | 10 | (2011-10-23 14:30:00) |
esoteric remnant of knowledge | 68 | (2011-10-23 14:30:00) |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay | 88 | (2011-10-06 15:00:00) |
rhodium encrusted crural clay | 76.5 | (2011-09-24 19:00:00) |
rhodium encrusted carpal clay | 23 | (2011-09-11 14:30:00) |
Belt of the Shieldwarden | 59 | (2011-09-11 14:30:00) |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay | 86 | (2011-09-08 15:00:00) |
Obscure Remnant of Truth | 87 | (2011-08-16 15:00:00) |
lesser tangible dream fragment | 25 | (2011-08-14 14:30:00) |
Minor Tangible Dream Fragment | 20 | (2011-08-11 15:00:00) |
median tangible dream fragment | 35 | (2011-07-31 14:30:00) |
Shining Guard of the Underfoot | 93 | (2011-07-28 15:00:00) |
Spaulders of the Topiary | 108 | (2011-07-14 15:00:00) |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay | 80 | (2011-07-07 15:00:00) |
ethereal dreamspear | 75 | (2011-07-02 19:00:00) |
Median Tangible Dream Fragment | 30 | (2011-06-20 15:00:00) |
Rhodium encrusted cephalic clay | 92 | (2011-06-04 19:00:00) |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay | 95 | (2011-05-23 15:00:00) |
iridium encrusted carpal clay | 35 | (2011-05-22 14:30:00) |
Minor Tangible Dream Fragment | 45 | (2011-04-21 15:00:00) |
Iridium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay | 40 | (2011-04-07 15:00:00) |
palladium encrusted carpal clay | 15 | (2011-03-27 14:30:00) |
Carved Bone of the Nighthowler | 90 | (2011-03-24 15:00:00) |
Lesser Tangible Dream Fragment | 70 | (2011-03-24 15:00:00) |
lesser tangible dream fragment | 50 | (2011-03-13 14:30:00) |
palladium encrusted brachial clay | 62 | (2011-02-12 19:00:00) |
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay | 48 | (2011-01-31 14:30:00) |
palladium encrusted crural clay | 85 | (2011-01-30 14:30:00) |
Palladium Encrusted Phalageal Clay | 15 | (2011-01-13 14:30:00) |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay | 10 | (2011-01-13 14:30:00) |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay | 10 | (2011-01-13 14:30:00) |
Riftstalker's Band | 100 | (2010-12-30 14:30:00) |
Edge of Oblivion | 38 | (2010-12-30 14:30:00) |
Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard | 20 | (2010-12-23 14:30:00) |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay | 45 | (2010-12-13 14:30:00) |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay | 45 | (2010-12-13 14:30:00) |
glowing entropic rune | 27.5 | (2010-06-12 19:00:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 20 | (2010-06-10 14:30:00) |
Earthbound Cinch | 20 | (2010-06-10 14:30:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 25 | (2010-04-03 19:00:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 25 | (2010-04-03 19:00:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 20 | (2010-04-03 19:00:00) |
Buckler of Defeated Champions | 25 | (2010-03-04 14:30:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 15 | (2010-03-04 14:30:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 25 | (2010-02-21 13:30:00) |
Corusite Band of Vigilence | 86 | (2010-02-20 19:00:00) |
glowing entropic rune x2 | 70 | (2010-02-06 19:00:00) |
Whirring Archaen Rune | 30 | (2010-02-01 14:30:00) |
Glowing Entropic Rune | 40 | (2010-02-01 14:30:00) |
ksathrax's amber | 20 | (2010-01-21 14:30:00) |
humming fleshwrought rune | 27 | (2010-01-20 14:20:00) |
band of corrupted blood | 30 | (2010-01-11 14:30:00) |
bloodwood bow | 10 | (2010-01-11 14:30:00) |
Whirring Archaen Rune | 25 | (2010-01-09 19:00:00) |
red dragonscale armor | 70 | (2010-01-06 13:30:00) |
Polished Mithril Torque | 66 | (2009-12-26 16:00:00) |
rottrued containment ring | 65 | (2009-12-13 13:30:00) |
rottrued's backup sticker | 20 | (2009-12-13 13:30:00) |
mindshear tooth | 5 | (2009-11-30 14:30:00) |
mithril vambraces | 57.5 | (2009-11-28 19:00:00) |
beveled quartz faceguard | 55 | (2009-11-22 13:30:00) |
enveloping chromoscale cloak | 55 | (2009-11-21 19:00:00) |
whirring archaen rune | 32 | (2009-11-11 13:30:00) |
girdle of the great wyrm | 81 | (2009-11-08 13:30:00) |
Mithril Greaves | 82 | (2009-10-28 16:05:00) |
prismatic greatspear of bloodshed | 55 | (2009-10-17 19:00:00) |
facemask of cleansing | 90 | (2009-10-04 13:30:00) |
Knotted Plague Strand Choker | 100 | (2009-09-06 19:10:00) |
Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion | 80 | (2009-09-06 00:15:00) |
Phased Primeval Luminessence (chest) | 400 | (2009-08-21 16:00:00) |
Malarian Blood Pearl Hoop | 85 | (2009-08-10 14:30:00) |
Stonehewn Radiant Band | 95 | (2009-08-09 13:30:00) |
Moonstone Compass | 165 | (2009-07-27 14:30:00) |
Wyvern Signet of Doctrine | 45 | (2009-07-26 13:30:00) |
Claw-sigiled Waistloop | 30 | (2009-07-23 14:30:00) |
Humming Fleshwrought Rune | 40 | (2009-07-23 14:30:00) |
Humming Fleshwrought Rune | 60 | (2009-07-13 14:40:00) |
Prismaridescent Essence Wrist | 90 | (2009-07-12 13:30:00) |
Jingling Alloy Loop | 75 | (2009-07-11 18:00:00) |
Gyro Core Chest | 150 | (2009-07-11 18:00:00) |
Gyro Core: Dedicant | 125 | (2009-07-09 14:30:00) |
Humming Fleshwrought Rune | 35 | (2009-06-11 14:30:00) |
Humming Fleshwrought Rune | 50 | (2009-06-01 14:30:00) |
Alloy Coated Back Protector | 150 | (2009-05-30 19:00:00) |
Gyro Core: Dedicant | 45 | (2009-04-02 19:30:00) |
decaying ritual totem | 250 | (2009-03-28 20:05:00) |
gyro core: druadic | 50 | (2009-03-02 20:30:00) |
Ancient Hardened Vambraces | 162 | (2009-02-21 19:00:00) |
Steel-Welded Plate Breastplate | 20 | (2009-02-07 19:00:00) |
Total | 11658 |