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    Overview for User: hetfeild ( Current DKP:370.5 )

    hetfeildWood ElfBard11032600Main

    Attended Raids
    2024-09-22 14:25:00Sunday LS Raid and Anniversary20
    2024-09-14 18:50:00Saturday Anniversary and LS20
    2024-09-08 14:25:00Sunday LONG LS Raid25.5
    2024-09-07 19:00:00Saturday LS Raids20.5
    2024-08-24 19:00:00Saturday 24 Aug11
    2024-08-18 14:25:00Sunday LS Suull Rrowzing raid16.5
    2024-08-10 19:00:00Saturday LS Raid10.5
    2024-08-03 18:55:00Saturday - LS and Anniversary7.5
    2024-07-27 18:55:00Saturday - Toughing out LS25
    2024-07-21 14:30:00Sunday LS Fun18
    2024-07-20 18:55:00Saturday Anniversary and LS Raids16
    2024-07-13 19:00:00Saturday shortened LS raid17
    2024-07-07 14:25:00Sunday LS Fun20.5
    2024-07-06 18:55:00Saturday Anv and LS Raids22
    2024-06-30 14:25:00Sunday Anniversary and LS raiding14
    2024-06-22 19:00:00Saturday Short LS Raid13.5
    2024-06-15 18:55:00Saturday Anniversary and LS24
    2024-05-26 14:30:00Pre-Memorial-Day Raid18
    2024-05-19 14:30:00Sunday LS Raids19
    2024-05-18 19:00:00Saturday Anniversary and LS raids23
    2024-05-11 19:00:00Saturday LS Raids23
    2024-05-05 14:30:00Sunday LS Raids18
    2024-05-04 18:55:00Saturday Anniversary and LS Raids24
    2024-04-27 19:00:00LS Raiding continues22
    2024-04-21 14:30:00Sunday LS achievements continue20
    2024-04-14 14:20:00Sunday Anniversary and LS raids18.5
    2024-04-13 19:00:00Saturday LS Raiding22.5
    2024-03-31 14:25:00Sunday Easter LS raids4.5
    2024-03-24 14:20:00Sunday LS and Anniversary Raids21.5
    2024-03-23 18:50:00Saturday LS Raid22
    2024-03-17 14:25:00Sunday LS Raids22
    2024-03-10 14:25:00Sunday LS Raids19
    2024-03-09 18:45:00Saturday LS Raids22
    2024-02-18 14:15:00Sunday LS Raids16
    2024-02-17 18:45:00LS Raids and one NOS20
    2024-02-03 18:40:00Saturday LS Tier 2 Raids120.5
    2024-01-28 14:05:00Sunday LI and ToL raids21
    2024-01-27 18:50:00Saturday NOS raiding18
    2024-01-13 18:55:00Saturday - NOS and Maidens Eye23
    2023-12-03 14:25:00Sunday Dec NOS Raid18
    2023-12-02 19:00:00Saturday messy NOS raid13
    2023-11-26 14:30:00Sun underpowered NOS30.5
    2023-11-25 18:45:00Thanksgiving Saturday Attendance8
    2023-11-18 18:50:00Saturday NOS fun 11-1818.5
    2023-11-12 14:25:00Sunday NOS dbl loot 11-1224
    2023-11-11 19:00:00Sat NOS Raid Crash 11-1122
    2023-11-04 19:00:00SAT overfull NOS raid 11/0420
    2023-10-14 19:00:00Saturday NOS continued20.5
    2023-10-07 19:00:00Saturday more NOS achievements27
    2023-09-30 19:00:00NOS Saturday fun 09-3014.5
    2023-09-23 19:00:00Saturday 23 sept20
    2023-09-16 19:00:00Saturday Shar Vahl Divided16
    2023-09-10 14:30:00Sunday 10 Sep22
    2023-09-09 19:00:00Saturday 9 Sep23
    2023-09-03 14:30:00Sunday Hashiss Paludal start10
    2023-09-02 19:00:00Saturday 2 Sept22
    2023-08-26 19:00:00Saturday 26 aug19
    2023-08-19 19:00:00August-deillusion-and-more10.5
    2023-08-12 19:00:00Saturday 12 aug Vanquisher68
    2023-08-06 14:30:00Sunday 6 aug20
    2023-08-05 19:00:00Saturday 5 Aug16
    2023-07-30 14:30:00Sunday 15
    2023-07-29 19:00:00Saturday 29 Jul22
    2023-07-23 14:30:00Sunday 23 Jul24
    2023-07-15 19:00:00Saturday 15 Jul17
    2023-07-09 14:30:00Sunday 9 Jul16
    2023-07-08 19:00:00Saturday 8 Jul23
    2023-07-02 14:30:00Sunday 2 June21
    2023-07-01 19:00:00Saturday 1 July19
    2023-06-25 14:30:00Sunday 25 June25
    2023-06-24 19:00:00Saturday 24 Jun26
    2023-06-17 19:00:00Saturday 17 June22
    2023-06-11 14:30:00Sunday 11 Jun54
    2023-06-04 14:30:00Sunday 4 June26
    2023-06-03 19:00:00Saturday 3 June5
    2023-05-28 14:30:00Sunday 28 May22
    2023-05-27 19:00:00Saturday 27 May24
    2023-05-21 14:30:00Sunday 21 May23
    2023-05-20 19:00:00Saturday 20 May26
    2023-05-14 14:30:00Sunday 14 May10
    2023-05-13 19:00:00saturday 13 may19
    2023-05-07 14:30:00Sunday 7 may25
    2023-05-06 19:00:00Saturday 6 may22
    2023-04-30 14:30:00Sunday 30 Apr23
    2023-04-29 19:00:00Saturday 29 April23
    2023-04-23 14:30:00Sunday 23 Apr23
    2023-04-22 19:00:00Saturday 22 Apr23
    2023-04-16 14:30:00Sunday 16 Apr21
    2023-04-15 19:00:00Saturday 15 Apr25
    2023-04-09 14:30:00Sunday 9 Apr28
    2023-04-08 19:00:00Satruday 8 Apr25
    2023-04-02 14:30:00Sunday 2 Apr22
    2023-04-01 19:00:00Saturday 1 Apr25
    2023-03-26 14:30:00Sunday 26 Mar66
    2023-03-25 19:00:00Saturday 25 March25
    2023-03-19 14:30:00Sunday 19 Mar22
    2023-03-18 19:00:00Saturday 18 Mar23
    2023-03-12 14:30:00Sunday 12 Mar24
    2023-03-11 19:00:00Saturday 11 Mar24
    2023-03-05 14:30:00Sunday 5 Mar172
    2023-02-26 14:30:00Sunday 26 Feb24
    2023-02-25 19:00:00Saturday 25 Feb22
    2023-02-19 14:30:00Sunday 19 Feb22
    2023-02-18 19:00:00Saturday 18 Feb22
    2023-02-12 14:30:00Sunday 12 Feb18
    2023-02-11 19:00:00Saturday 11 Feb23

    Won Items
    Silver Casting Magic of Jubilation10 (2024-09-14 18:50:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge15 (2024-07-13 19:00:00)
    Valiant Essence of Finesse50 (2024-07-06 18:55:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge20 (2024-06-30 14:25:00)
    Sprung Fingercuff30 (2024-06-30 14:25:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge40 (2024-06-22 19:00:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-06-22 19:00:00)
    Sterling Mask of Brilliance100 (2024-06-15 18:55:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge45 (2024-05-26 14:30:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge10 (2024-05-19 14:30:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge10 (2024-05-19 14:30:00)
    Greater Emblem of the Forge41 (2024-05-18 19:00:00)
    Insignia of the Kings Hand25 (2024-05-18 19:00:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-05-18 19:00:00)
    Greater Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-05-11 19:00:00)
    Heroic Reflections Hands Armor35 (2024-05-11 19:00:00)
    Greater Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-05-05 14:30:00)
    Greater Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-05-05 14:30:00)
    Greater Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-05-05 14:30:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor22 (2024-05-05 14:30:00)
    Prose Elddar35 (2024-05-04 18:55:00)
    Unrelenting Bijou of Hope30 (2024-04-27 19:00:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor35 (2024-04-27 19:00:00)
    Takish Sabre21 (2024-04-27 19:00:00)
    Spaulders of the Hand35 (2024-04-27 19:00:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-04-21 14:30:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge20 (2024-04-21 14:30:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor22 (2024-04-21 14:30:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge22 (2024-04-14 14:20:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor55 (2024-04-14 14:20:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor25 (2024-04-14 14:20:00)
    Spiked Hammer of the Forge20 (2024-04-13 19:00:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor40 (2024-04-13 19:00:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge20 (2024-04-13 19:00:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge20 (2024-04-13 19:00:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge19 (2024-04-13 19:00:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge40 (2024-03-24 14:20:00)
    Suffering35 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Assaulters Belt35 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge40 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    fire dancers retribution20 (2023-08-06 14:30:00)
    gorespits eradicator20 (2023-07-01 19:00:00)
    sparkling onokiwan treasure35 (2023-06-24 19:00:00)
    baton of jharin revelry20.5 (2023-06-04 14:30:00)
    atraeth centien xi vius29 (2023-05-20 19:00:00)
    earring of the kai29 (2023-05-20 19:00:00)
    faded spectral luminosity arms armor25 (2023-05-20 19:00:00)
    faded spectral luminosity arms armor25 (2023-05-20 19:00:00)
    crippling waistwraps of the gate25 (2023-05-13 19:00:00)
    eccentric lavalliere20.5 (2023-05-13 19:00:00)
    ephyrs extra eider effigy21 (2023-05-07 14:30:00)
    ring of dramaturgy50 (2023-04-30 14:30:00)
    faded spectral luminosity head armor45 (2023-04-16 14:30:00)
    kkth tiks chew toy20.5 (2023-04-15 19:00:00)
    villanious volto35 (2023-04-15 19:00:00)
    gratified stele of deepshade45 (2023-04-15 19:00:00)
    faded spectral luminosity hands armor35 (2023-04-15 19:00:00)
    faded spectral luminosity feet armor45 (2023-04-09 14:30:00)
    faded spectral luminosity legs armor55 (2023-04-08 19:00:00)
    greater symbol of shar vahl1 (2023-04-02 14:30:00)
    glowing symbol of shar vahl5 (2023-04-02 14:30:00)
    glowing symbol of shar vahl16 (2023-03-26 14:30:00)
    glowing symbol of shar vahl x234 (2023-03-26 14:30:00)
    faded spectral luminosity wrist armor25 (2023-03-25 19:00:00)
    greater symbol of shar vahl17 (2023-03-25 19:00:00)
    glowing symbol of shar vahl16 (2023-03-19 14:30:00)
    greater symbol of shar vahl16 (2023-03-19 14:30:00)
    virulence omiyads gift21 (2023-03-19 14:30:00)
    greater symbol of shar vahl11.5 (2023-03-18 19:00:00)
    greater symbol of shar vahl10 (2023-03-12 14:30:00)
    greater symbol of shar vahl1 (2023-03-11 19:00:00)
    lesser symbol of shar vahl1 (2023-02-26 14:30:00)
    lesser symbol of shar vahl1 (2023-02-25 19:00:00)
    xiphos of the khala dun20 (2023-02-25 19:00:00)
    minor symbol of shar vahl x33 (2023-02-19 14:30:00)
    lesser symbol of shar vahl1 (2023-02-19 14:30:00)
    mace of endless twilight10 (2023-02-19 14:30:00)

    No Adjustments found.

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