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  • Own Overview


    Overview for User: Darkcia ( Current DKP:336 )


    Attended Raids
    2024-11-03 14:30:00Sunday NOS and LS Raids20
    2024-10-20 14:30:00Sunday LS Raid Content20
    2024-10-13 14:30:00Sunday LS Raid22
    2024-10-06 14:25:00Sunday LS Raid20
    2024-10-05 19:00:00Saturday LS Raid20
    2024-09-29 14:30:00Sunday LS Raid20
    2024-09-28 19:00:00Saturday LS and Anniversary Raids22.5
    2024-09-22 14:25:00Sunday LS Raid and Anniversary20
    2024-09-21 19:00:00Saturday LS Raids22
    2024-09-15 14:30:00Sunday LS Raiding17
    2024-09-14 18:50:00Saturday Anniversary and LS20
    2024-09-08 14:25:00Sunday LONG LS Raid25.5
    2024-09-07 19:00:00Saturday LS Raids20.5
    2024-09-01 14:30:00Sunday LS content19.5
    2024-08-18 14:25:00Sunday LS Suull Rrowzing raid18.5
    2024-08-17 18:55:00Saturday the raid that didnt happen20
    2024-07-27 18:55:00Saturday - Toughing out LS8
    2024-07-14 14:30:00Sunday LS Raid21.5
    2024-06-30 14:25:00Sunday Anniversary and LS raiding19
    2024-06-29 18:55:00Saturday LS fun22.5
    2024-06-22 19:00:00Saturday Short LS Raid19
    2024-06-16 14:25:00Sunday LS Raiding19.5
    2024-06-15 18:55:00Saturday Anniversary and LS24
    2024-06-09 14:30:00Sunday Anniversary and LS Raids23.5
    2024-06-08 19:00:00Saturday LS Raid21
    2024-06-02 14:30:00Sunday - June 2 - Suull LS Raid33.5
    2024-06-01 19:00:00Saturday June 1 Raid26
    2024-05-26 14:30:00Pre-Memorial-Day Raid18
    2024-05-25 19:00:00Saturday LS Raids23.5
    2024-05-19 14:30:00Sunday LS Raids19
    2024-05-11 19:00:00Saturday LS Raids8.5
    2024-05-05 14:30:00Sunday LS Raids18
    2024-05-04 18:55:00Saturday Anniversary and LS Raids11
    2024-04-21 14:30:00Sunday LS achievements continue20
    2024-04-20 18:50:00Saturday - Vanquisher of Laurions Song75.5
    2024-04-14 14:20:00Sunday Anniversary and LS raids18.5
    2024-04-13 19:00:00Saturday LS Raiding26
    2024-04-07 14:30:00Sunday Raid with Suull and Rrowzing22
    2024-04-06 18:55:00Saturday LS with Suull and Rrowzing11.5
    2024-03-31 14:25:00Sunday Easter LS raids18
    2024-03-24 14:20:00Sunday LS and Anniversary Raids21.5
    2024-03-23 18:50:00Saturday LS Raid22
    2024-03-17 14:25:00Sunday LS Raids22
    2024-03-16 18:50:00Saturday - EQ 25 Anniversary and LS24.5
    2024-03-10 14:25:00Sunday LS Raids19
    2024-03-09 18:45:00Saturday LS Raids22
    2024-03-03 14:30:00Sunday LS Tier 1 and 219.5
    2024-03-02 18:55:00LS Tier3226.5
    2024-02-25 14:20:00Sunday LS and Pit Fight20
    2024-02-24 19:00:00Saturday LS and Paludal19
    2024-02-18 14:15:00Sunday LS Raids16
    2024-02-17 18:45:00LS Raids and one NOS20
    2024-02-11 14:20:00Sunday LS Tier222
    2024-02-10 18:55:00Saturday LS, TOL and NOS9
    2024-02-04 14:20:00Sunday LS Tier 1 and TOL20
    2024-02-03 18:40:00Saturday LS Tier 2 Raids227
    2024-01-28 14:05:00Sunday LI and ToL raids21
    2024-01-21 14:30:00Sunday NOS and TOL21
    2024-01-20 18:40:00Saturday LI and NOS raids24
    2024-01-14 14:30:00Sunday LI and NOS raids23
    2024-01-13 18:55:00Saturday - NOS and Maidens Eye23
    2024-01-07 14:20:00Sunday Return to NOS17
    2024-01-06 19:00:00LI Raids and NOS finish171
    2023-12-30 19:00:00Saturday Pre-New Year NOS41
    2023-12-23 19:00:00Saturday Christmas party in NOS21
    2022-08-14 14:30:00Sunday 14 Aug22
    2022-08-14 14:30:00Sunday 14 Aug22
    2022-08-13 19:00:00Saturday 13 Aug30
    2022-08-07 14:30:00Sunday 7 aug19
    2022-08-06 19:00:00Saturday 6 Aug23
    2022-07-31 14:30:00Sunday 31 July21
    2022-07-30 19:00:00Saturday 30 July25.5
    2022-07-24 14:30:00Sunday July 2421
    2022-07-23 19:00:00Saturday 23 July13
    2022-07-17 14:00:00Sunday July 1726
    2022-07-16 19:00:00Saturday 16 July31
    2022-07-10 14:30:00Sunday 10 July22
    2022-07-09 19:00:00Saturday 9 July25
    2022-07-03 14:30:00Sunday 3 July22
    2022-07-02 19:00:00Saturday 2 Jul6
    2022-06-26 14:30:00Sunday 26 Jun220
    2022-06-19 14:30:00Sunday 19 June19
    2022-06-18 19:00:00Saturday 18 June22
    2022-06-12 14:30:00Sunday 12 June22
    2022-06-11 19:00:00Saturday 11 Jun22
    2022-06-05 14:30:00sunday 5 June24
    2022-05-29 14:30:00sunday 29 May23
    2022-05-28 19:00:00Saturday 28 May19
    2022-05-22 14:30:00Sunday 22 May20
    2022-05-21 19:00:00Saturday 21 May21
    2022-05-15 14:30:00Sunday 15 May15
    2022-05-14 19:00:00Saturday 14 May22
    2022-05-08 14:30:00Sunday 8 May25
    2022-05-01 14:30:00Sunday 1 May20
    2022-04-23 19:00:00saturday 23 april10
    2022-04-16 19:00:00Saturday 16 Apr26
    2022-04-10 14:30:00Sunday 10 Apr20
    2022-04-09 19:00:00Saturday 9 April6
    2022-04-03 14:30:00Sunday 3 Apr22
    2022-04-02 19:00:00Saturday 2 April26
    2022-03-30 21:00:00wednesday 30 mar10
    2022-03-27 14:30:00Sunday 27 mar22
    2022-03-26 19:00:00Saturday 26 Mar22
    2022-03-23 21:00:00Wednesday 23 mar10
    2022-03-20 14:30:00Sunday 20 Mar22
    2022-03-19 19:00:00Saturday 19 Mar23
    2022-03-13 14:30:00Sunday 13 Mar173
    2022-03-12 19:00:00Saturday 12 Mar175
    2022-03-06 14:30:00Sunday 6 March22
    2022-03-05 19:00:00Saturday 5 March22
    2022-02-27 14:30:00Sunday 27 Feb21
    2022-02-26 19:00:00Saturday 26 Feb22
    2022-02-20 14:30:00Sunday 20 Feb22
    2022-02-19 19:00:00Saturday 19 Feb175
    2022-02-13 14:30:00sunday 13 Feb19
    2022-02-12 19:00:00Saturday 12 Feb25
    2022-02-06 14:30:00Sunday 6 Feb Goranga win94
    2022-02-05 19:00:00Saturday 5 Feb Shei win77
    2022-01-30 14:30:00Sunday Jan 3019
    2022-01-29 19:00:00Saturday 29 Jan23
    2022-01-23 14:30:00Sunday 23 Jan21
    2022-01-22 19:00:00Saturday 22 jan19
    2022-01-16 14:30:00Sunday 16 Jan169
    2022-01-15 19:00:00Saturday 15 Jan72
    2022-01-09 14:30:00Sunday 9 Jan25
    2022-01-08 19:00:00Saturday 8 January74
    2022-01-02 14:30:00Sunday 2 Jan41
    2021-12-12 14:30:00Sunday 12 Dec100
    2021-11-28 14:30:00Sunday 28 Nov19
    2021-11-27 19:00:00Saturday 27 nov22
    2021-11-14 14:30:00Sunday 14 November22
    2021-11-07 14:30:00Sunday 7 Nov19
    2021-10-31 14:30:00Sunday 31 Oct16
    2021-10-24 14:30:00Sunday 24 Oct21
    2021-10-23 19:00:00Saturday 23 oct22
    2021-10-17 14:30:00Sunday 17 Oct22
    2021-10-10 14:30:00Sunday 10 Oct17
    2021-10-09 19:00:00Saturday 9 Oct22
    2021-10-03 14:30:00Sunday 3 Oct22
    2021-09-26 14:30:00Sunday 26 Sept24
    2021-09-25 19:00:00Saturday 25 Sept24
    2021-09-19 14:30:00Sunday 19 Sept23
    2021-09-18 19:00:00Saturday 18 Sept21
    2021-09-05 14:30:00Sunday Sept 520
    2021-09-04 19:00:00Saturday 4 Sept23
    2021-08-29 14:30:00Sunday 29 August24
    2021-08-28 19:00:00Saturday 28 August25
    2021-08-22 14:30:00Sunday 22 August Aary win221
    2021-08-21 19:00:00Saturday 21 August22
    2021-08-15 14:30:00Sunday 15 August24
    2021-08-14 19:00:00Saturday 14 August22
    2021-08-08 14:30:00Sunday 8 August Vulak win173
    2021-08-07 19:00:00Saturday 7 august22
    2021-08-01 14:30:00Sunday August 129
    2021-07-31 19:00:00Saturday July 3122
    2021-07-25 14:30:00Sunday July 2518
    2021-07-18 14:30:00Sunday July 1824
    2021-07-11 14:30:00Sunday July 1120
    2021-07-04 14:30:00Sunday July 417
    2021-05-22 19:00:00Saturday22
    2021-05-16 14:30:00Sunday20
    2021-05-15 19:00:00Saturday20
    2021-05-08 19:00:00Saturday22
    2021-05-02 14:30:00Sunday20
    2021-05-01 19:00:00Saturday23
    2021-04-25 14:30:00Sunday20
    2021-04-24 19:00:00Saturday23
    2021-04-18 14:30:00Sunday20
    2021-04-17 19:00:00Saturday172
    2021-04-11 14:30:00Sunday20
    2021-04-10 19:00:00Saturday25
    2021-04-04 14:30:00Sunday30
    2021-04-03 19:00:00Saturday23
    2021-03-28 14:30:00Sunday32
    2021-03-27 19:00:00Saturday26
    2021-03-21 14:30:00sunday19
    2021-03-20 19:00:00Saturday23
    2021-03-14 14:30:00Sunday21
    2021-03-13 19:00:00Saturday26
    2021-03-07 14:30:00Sunday21
    2021-03-06 19:00:00Saturday24
    2021-02-28 14:30:00Sunday21
    2021-02-27 19:00:00Saturday126
    2021-02-21 14:30:00Sunday26
    2021-02-20 19:00:00Saturday22
    2021-02-14 14:30:00Sunday20
    2021-02-13 19:00:00Saturday25
    2021-02-07 14:30:00Sunday28
    2021-02-06 19:00:00Saturday23
    2021-01-31 14:30:00Sunday21
    2021-01-30 19:00:00Saturday23
    2021-01-24 14:30:00Sunday21
    2021-01-23 19:00:00Saturday24
    2021-01-16 19:00:00Saturday26
    2021-01-10 14:30:00Sunday122
    2021-01-09 19:00:00Saturday125
    2020-12-20 14:30:00Sunday16
    2020-12-19 19:00:00Saturday23
    2020-12-13 14:30:00Sunday25
    2020-12-12 19:00:00Saturday23
    2020-12-06 14:30:00Sunday22
    2020-12-05 19:00:00Saturday24
    2020-11-29 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-11-28 19:00:00Saturday22
    2020-11-22 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-11-21 19:00:00Saturday23
    2020-11-15 14:30:00Sunday19
    2020-11-14 19:00:00Saturday18
    2020-11-01 14:30:00Sunday15
    2020-10-25 14:30:00Sunday21
    2020-10-17 19:00:00Saturday19
    2020-10-11 14:30:00Sunday27
    2020-10-03 19:00:00Saturday12
    2020-09-27 14:30:00Sunday30
    2020-09-20 14:30:00Sunday20
    2020-09-13 14:30:00Sunday21
    2020-09-12 19:00:00Saturday23
    2020-09-06 14:30:00Sunday32
    2020-09-05 19:00:00Saturday6
    2020-08-30 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-08-29 19:00:00Saturday18
    2020-08-23 14:30:00Sunday25
    2020-08-22 19:00:00Saturday25
    2020-08-16 14:30:00Sunday27
    2020-08-09 14:30:00Sunday26
    2020-08-08 19:00:00Saturday26
    2020-08-02 14:30:00Sunday25
    2020-08-01 19:00:00Saturday24
    2020-07-26 14:30:00Sunday21
    2020-07-25 19:00:00Saturday25
    2020-07-19 14:30:00Sunday23
    2020-07-12 14:30:00Sunday25
    2020-07-04 19:00:00Saturday26
    2020-06-28 14:30:00Sunday sweep76
    2020-06-27 19:00:00Saturday25
    2020-06-21 14:30:00Sunday21.5
    2020-06-14 14:30:00Sunday28
    2020-06-13 19:00:00Saturday21
    2020-06-07 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-06-06 19:00:00Saturday25
    2020-05-31 14:30:00Sunday Velks win217
    2020-05-24 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-05-23 19:00:00Saturday24
    2020-05-17 14:30:00Sunday27
    2020-05-16 19:00:00Saturday22
    2020-05-10 14:30:00Sunday22
    2020-05-09 19:00:00Saturday24
    2020-05-03 14:30:00Sunday26
    2020-05-02 19:00:00Saturday22
    2020-04-26 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-04-25 19:00:00Saturday18
    2020-04-24 19:00:00Friday22
    2020-04-19 14:30:00Sunday Avatar win177
    2020-04-18 19:00:00Saturday First T3 win175
    2020-04-17 19:00:00Friday22
    2020-04-12 14:30:00Sunday29
    2020-04-11 19:00:00Saturday23
    2020-04-05 14:30:00Sunday25
    2020-04-04 19:00:00Saturday22
    2020-03-29 14:30:00Sunday171
    2020-03-28 19:00:00Saturday25
    2020-03-22 14:30:00Sunday175
    2020-03-15 14:30:00Sunday23
    2020-03-14 19:00:00Saturday22
    2020-03-08 14:30:00Sunday22
    2020-03-01 14:30:00Sunday24
    2020-02-23 14:30:00Sunday29
    2020-02-22 19:00:00Saturday T2 win123
    2020-02-16 14:30:00Sunday25
    2020-02-09 14:30:00Sunday26
    2020-02-02 14:30:00Sunday21
    2020-02-01 19:00:00Saturday41
    2020-01-26 14:30:00Sunday T1 complete319
    2020-01-25 19:00:00Saturday23
    2020-01-19 14:30:00Sunday22
    2020-01-18 19:00:00Saturday159
    2020-01-12 14:30:00Sunday22
    2020-01-05 14:30:00Sunday18
    2019-12-29 14:30:00Sunday23
    2019-12-28 19:00:00Saturday25
    2019-12-21 19:00:00Saturday21
    2019-12-15 14:30:00Sunday T3 win222
    2019-12-08 14:30:00Sunday20
    2019-12-07 19:00:00Saturday20
    2019-12-01 14:30:00Sunday21
    2019-11-30 19:00:00Saturday24
    2019-11-24 14:30:00Sunday23
    2019-11-23 19:00:00Saturday23
    2019-11-17 14:30:00Sunday11
    2019-11-10 14:30:00Sunday174
    2019-11-09 19:00:00Saturday9
    2019-11-03 14:30:00Sunday16
    2019-10-27 14:30:00Sunday30
    2019-10-26 19:00:00Saturday23
    2019-10-20 14:30:00Sunday23
    2019-10-19 19:00:00Saturday22
    2019-10-13 14:30:00Sunday151
    2019-10-12 19:00:00Saturday22
    2019-10-06 14:30:00Sunday23
    2019-09-29 14:30:00Sunday28
    2019-09-28 19:00:00Saturday25
    2019-09-22 14:30:00Sunday123
    2019-09-15 14:30:00Sunday20
    2019-09-14 19:00:00Saturday 23
    2019-09-08 14:30:00Sunday25
    2019-09-07 19:00:00Saturday22
    2019-09-01 14:30:00Sunday18
    2019-08-25 14:30:00Sunday19
    2019-08-18 11:30:00Sunday18
    2019-08-17 16:00:00Saturday22
    2019-08-11 14:30:00Sunday170
    2019-08-10 19:00:00Saturday25
    2019-08-04 14:30:00Sunday20
    2019-08-03 19:10:00Saturday22
    2019-07-28 14:30:00Sunday23
    2019-07-27 19:00:00Saturday20
    2019-07-21 14:30:00Sunday22
    2019-07-20 19:00:00Saturday22
    2019-07-14 14:30:00Sunday19
    2019-07-13 19:00:00Saturday25
    2019-07-07 14:30:00Sunday20
    2019-06-30 14:30:00Sunday172
    2019-06-29 19:00:00Saturday25
    2019-06-24 14:30:00Sunday25
    2019-06-22 19:00:00Saturday17
    2015-05-12 20:30:00Tuesday - Red10
    2015-05-06 20:30:00Wednesday - Red12.5
    2015-05-05 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21
    2015-04-30 20:30:00Thursday - Red28.5
    2015-04-22 20:30:00Wednesday - Red22
    2015-04-21 20:30:00Tuesday - Red18
    2015-04-16 20:30:00Thursday - Red8
    2015-04-15 20:30:00Wednesday - Red21.5
    2015-04-14 20:30:00Tuesday - Red270.5
    2015-04-08 20:30:00Wednesday - Red10.5
    2015-04-02 20:30:00Thursday - Red11.5
    2015-03-31 20:30:00Tuesday - Red20
    2015-03-26 20:30:00Thursday - Red21.5
    2015-03-25 20:30:00Wednesday - Red18
    2015-03-24 20:30:00Tuesday - Red23.5
    2015-03-19 20:30:00Thursday - Red22
    2015-03-17 20:30:00Tuesday - Red27
    2014-10-08 20:30:00Wednesday - Red12
    2014-10-07 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21
    2014-10-02 20:30:00Thursday - Red15
    2014-10-01 20:30:00Wednesday - Red15.5
    2014-09-30 20:30:00Tuesday - Red27
    2014-09-25 20:30:00Thursday - Red13
    2014-09-18 20:30:00Thursday - Red8
    2014-09-17 20:30:00Wednesday - Red20.5
    2014-08-29 20:30:00Friday - Naggy2.5
    2014-08-28 20:30:00Thursday - Red16.5
    2014-08-27 20:30:00Wednesday - Red17.5
    2014-08-26 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21.5
    2014-08-21 20:30:00Thursday - Red17.5
    2014-08-20 20:30:00Wednesday - Red22
    2014-08-19 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2014-08-14 20:30:00Thursday - Red21
    2014-08-13 20:30:00Wednesday - Red21.5
    2014-08-12 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21.5
    2014-08-07 20:30:00Thursday - Red13.5
    2014-08-06 20:30:00Wednesday - Red19
    2014-08-05 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21
    2014-07-31 20:30:00Thursday - Red18.5
    2014-07-30 20:30:00Wednesday - Red24
    2014-07-22 20:30:00Tuesday - Red16.5
    2014-07-17 20:30:00Thursday - Red119
    2014-07-15 20:30:00Tuesday - Red1
    2014-07-10 20:30:00Thursday - Red19
    2014-07-09 20:30:00Wednesday - Red19
    2014-07-08 20:30:00Tuesday - Red70.5
    2014-07-03 20:30:00Thursday - Red15.5
    2014-07-02 20:30:00Wednesday - Red19
    2014-07-01 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22.5
    2014-06-30 01:06:00Tower Win Bonus50
    2014-06-26 20:30:00Thursday Red21
    2014-06-25 20:30:00Wednesday - Red13
    2014-06-24 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2014-06-19 20:30:00Thursday - Red25.5
    2014-06-18 20:30:00Wednesday - Red20.5
    2014-06-17 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21.5
    2014-06-12 20:30:00Thursday - Red12
    2014-06-11 20:30:00Wednesday - Red17.5
    2014-06-10 20:30:00Tuesday - Red20.5
    2014-06-05 20:30:00Thursday - Red8
    2014-06-03 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22.5
    2014-05-29 20:30:00Thursday - Red23.5
    2014-05-28 20:30:00Wednesday - Red14.5
    2014-05-27 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22.5
    2014-05-26 20:30:00Monday20
    2014-05-22 20:30:00Thursday - Red19
    2014-05-21 20:30:00Wednesday - Red23.5
    2014-05-20 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2014-05-15 20:30:00Thursday Red18
    2014-05-14 20:30:00Wednesday - Red16.5
    2014-05-13 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2014-05-08 20:30:00Thursday - Red27
    2014-05-07 20:30:00Wednesday - Red21
    2014-05-06 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21
    2014-05-01 20:30:00Thursday Red16
    2014-04-30 20:30:00Wednesday - Red19
    2014-04-29 20:30:00Tuesday - Red20
    2014-04-24 20:30:00Thursday - Red17.5
    2014-04-23 20:30:00Wednesday - Red16
    2014-04-22 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2014-04-17 20:30:00Thursday - Red16.5
    2014-04-16 20:30:00Wednesday - Red11.5
    2014-04-15 20:30:00Tuesday - Red20
    2014-04-09 20:30:00Wednesday - Red20
    2014-04-03 20:30:00Thursday - Red21.5
    2014-04-02 20:30:00Wednesday - Red19.5
    2014-04-01 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2014-03-27 20:30:00Thursday - Red20.5
    2014-03-26 20:30:00Wednesday - Red20.5
    2014-03-25 20:30:00Tuesday - Red19.5
    2014-03-20 20:30:00Thursday - Red14.5
    2014-03-19 20:30:00Wednesday - Red16.5
    2014-03-18 20:30:00Tuesday - Red23
    2014-03-13 21:40:00Thursday - Red20
    2014-03-12 20:30:00Wednesday - Red22
    2014-03-11 20:30:00Tuesday - Red19.5
    2014-03-05 20:30:00Wednesday - Red22
    2014-03-04 20:30:00Tuesday - Red12
    2014-02-26 20:30:00Wednesday - Red17.5
    2014-02-25 20:30:00Tuesday - Red20
    2014-02-20 20:30:00Thursday - Red20.5
    2014-02-19 20:30:00Wednesday - Red20
    2014-02-18 20:30:00Tuesday - Red23.5
    2014-02-13 20:30:00Thursday - Red19.5
    2014-02-12 20:30:00Wednesday - Red21
    2014-02-11 20:30:00Tuesday - Red23.5
    2014-02-06 20:30:00Thursday - Red24.5
    2014-02-05 20:30:00Wednesday - Red24
    2014-02-04 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22.5
    2014-01-30 20:30:00Thursday - Red24
    2014-01-29 20:30:00Wednesday - Red61.5
    2014-01-28 20:30:00Tuesday - Red20.5
    2014-01-23 20:30:00Thursday - Red21
    2014-01-16 20:30:00Thursday - Red39
    2014-01-15 20:30:00Wednesday - Red118
    2014-01-09 20:30:00Thursday - Red18.5
    2014-01-08 20:30:00Wednesday - Red22
    2014-01-07 20:30:00Tuesday - Red17.5
    2014-01-02 20:30:00Thursday Red17
    2013-12-19 20:30:00Thursday - Red10
    2013-12-18 20:30:00Wednesday - Red17.5
    2013-12-17 20:30:00Tuesday - Red22
    2013-12-12 20:30:00Thursday - Red19.5
    2013-12-11 20:30:00Wednesday - Red20.5
    2013-12-10 20:30:00Tuesday - Red21
    2013-12-05 20:30:00Thursday - Red47
    2013-12-04 20:50:00Wednesday - Red45.5
    2013-12-03 20:30:00Tuesday - Red27.5
    2013-12-02 20:30:00Monday - Red24.5
    2013-11-27 20:30:00Wednesday - Red13

    Won Items
    Silver Mask of Adroitness20 (2024-10-13 14:30:00)
    Sterling Ring of Brillance45 (2024-10-13 14:30:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge5 (2024-08-18 14:25:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-07-14 14:30:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-07-14 14:30:00)
    Greater Emblem of the Forge20 (2024-06-30 14:25:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge25 (2024-06-30 14:25:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge6 (2024-06-29 18:55:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge6 (2024-06-29 18:55:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge12 (2024-06-29 18:55:00)
    Median Emblem of the Forge12 (2024-06-29 18:55:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge10 (2024-06-22 19:00:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge10 (2024-06-22 19:00:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge10 (2024-06-22 19:00:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor20 (2024-06-09 14:30:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor20 (2024-05-26 14:30:00)
    Silver Warding Magic of Jubilation100 (2024-04-28 14:25:00)
    Laurion Inn Hope Chest20 (2024-04-07 14:30:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor100 (2024-03-30 19:00:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor75 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor35 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge41 (2024-03-23 18:50:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge100 (2024-03-17 14:25:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge90 (2024-03-17 14:25:00)
    Chlorophyll Loop100 (2024-03-09 18:45:00)
    Mark of Worth35 (2024-03-02 18:55:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor100 (2024-02-25 14:20:00)
    Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor200 (2024-02-25 14:20:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-02-24 19:00:00)
    Minor Emblem of the Forge35 (2024-02-24 19:00:00)
    Lesser Emblem of the Forge40 (2024-02-17 18:45:00)
    Glowing Emblem of the Forge80 (2024-02-11 14:20:00)
    Chalice of Autumn Wine50 (2024-01-28 14:05:00)
    Transcribed Tome of the Jharin10 (2024-01-21 14:30:00)
    Faded Spectral Luminosity Feet Armor10 (2024-01-21 14:30:00)
    Elddar Cinch90 (2024-01-20 18:40:00)
    Elddar Overcloak20 (2024-01-14 14:30:00)
    Faded Spectral Luminosity Feet Armor10 (2024-01-14 14:30:00)
    Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor10 (2024-01-14 14:30:00)
    Apparitional Essence of Power10 (2024-01-07 14:20:00)
    apparitional Arm Armor Lining15 (2023-12-30 19:00:00)
    Bona Fide Beautified Bauta10 (2023-12-30 19:00:00)
    Apparitional Head Armor Lining12 (2023-12-30 19:00:00)
    Apparitional Earring Clasp10 (2023-12-23 19:00:00)
    Faded Spectral Luminosity Chest Armor15 (2023-12-23 19:00:00)
    loop of infinite twilight20 (2022-08-06 19:00:00)
    minor shadowscribed parchment20 (2022-07-30 19:00:00)
    minor shadowscribed parchment20 (2022-07-30 19:00:00)
    lesser shadowscribed parchment30 (2022-07-30 19:00:00)
    greater shadowscribed parchment55 (2022-07-30 19:00:00)
    glowing shadowscribed parchment130 (2022-07-30 19:00:00)
    viscous shorud of the swarm49 (2022-07-24 14:30:00)
    wisdom of the fallen star20 (2022-07-17 14:00:00)
    minor shadowscribed parchment x215 (2022-07-09 19:00:00)
    cloak of perpetual eventide25 (2022-07-09 19:00:00)
    bite of the vampire20 (2022-06-26 14:30:00)
    lesser shadowscribed parchment30 (2022-06-18 19:00:00)
    median shadowscribed parchment x260 (2022-06-18 19:00:00)
    lost canto of the maestro45 (2022-06-12 14:30:00)
    minor shadowscribed parchment20 (2022-06-05 14:30:00)
    lesser shadowscribed parchment35 (2022-06-05 14:30:00)
    median shadowscribed parchment20 (2022-05-29 14:30:00)
    sathir staff of forbidden magic181 (2022-05-01 14:30:00)
    collar of nyctophobia55 (2022-04-16 19:00:00)
    glowing shadowscribed parchment175 (2022-03-27 14:30:00)
    lesser shadowscribed parchment90 (2022-03-27 14:30:00)
    glowing shadowscribed parchment175 (2022-03-26 19:00:00)
    faded waning gibbous legs armor175 (2022-03-13 14:30:00)
    median shadowscribed parchment35 (2022-03-12 19:00:00)
    faded waning gibbous wrist armor55 (2022-02-26 19:00:00)
    faded waning gibbous wrist armor55 (2022-02-26 19:00:00)
    faded waning gibbous head armor85 (2022-02-19 19:00:00)
    calcified bloodied ore595 (2022-02-19 19:00:00)
    faded waning gibbous hands armor55 (2022-02-13 14:30:00)
    goblet of the feral25 (2022-01-30 14:30:00)
    calcified bloodied ore575 (2022-01-30 14:30:00)
    akhevan trunk40 (2022-01-30 14:30:00)
    glowing shadowscribed parchment135 (2022-01-30 14:30:00)
    faded waning gibbous chest armor175 (2022-01-22 19:00:00)
    cloak of mortality20 (2021-10-31 14:30:00)
    bloodied talisman21 (2021-08-21 19:00:00)
    drakescale mask45 (2021-07-31 19:00:00)
    jchans threaded belt of command60 (2021-07-11 14:30:00)
    glowing dragontouched rune10 (2021-05-01 19:00:00)
    glowing icicle130 (2021-05-01 19:00:00)
    new brood talisman130 (2021-04-25 14:30:00)
    diamondized restless ore296 (2021-04-18 14:30:00)
    diamondized restless ore290 (2021-04-17 19:00:00)
    diamondized restless ore290 (2021-04-11 14:30:00)
    faded hoarfrost legs armor175 (2021-04-11 14:30:00)
    faded hoarfrost head armor115 (2021-04-10 19:00:00)
    faded hoarfrost wrist armor x2110 (2021-04-03 19:00:00)
    scale plated crate25 (2021-04-03 19:00:00)
    faded hoarfrost feet armor75 (2021-04-03 19:00:00)
    lesser dragontouched rune2 (2021-02-20 19:00:00)
    bloodied talisman45 (2021-02-13 19:00:00)
    lesser kromrif etching1 (2020-12-12 19:00:00)
    maleficence20 (2020-09-06 14:30:00)
    restless bunker20 (2020-09-06 14:30:00)
    agatar griklors swordbreaker20 (2020-09-05 19:00:00)
    bloodrage20 (2020-08-30 14:30:00)
    faded ice woven arms armor27.5 (2020-08-30 14:30:00)
    caged ice30 (2020-08-30 14:30:00)
    faded ice woven legs armor20 (2020-08-23 14:30:00)
    faded ice woven chest armor30 (2020-08-23 14:30:00)
    warlords signet40 (2020-08-23 14:30:00)
    cincture of crippling malice21 (2020-08-22 19:00:00)
    faded ice woven wrist armor22 (2020-08-22 19:00:00)
    froo froos chopping board20 (2020-08-22 19:00:00)
    faded ice woven hands armor20 (2020-08-22 19:00:00)
    faded ice woven wrist armor22 (2020-08-22 19:00:00)
    frigid gryphon plume22 (2020-08-22 19:00:00)
    greater kromrif etching x234 (2020-08-01 19:00:00)
    heart shard of the statue25 (2020-07-19 14:30:00)
    glowing kromrif etching x3195 (2020-06-28 14:30:00)
    lesser kromrif etching15 (2020-06-28 14:30:00)
    glowing kromrif etching x2130 (2020-06-27 19:00:00)
    lesser kromrif etching15 (2020-06-27 19:00:00)
    lesser kromrif etching16 (2020-05-24 14:30:00)
    lesser kromrif etching45 (2020-05-23 19:00:00)
    lesser kromrif etching15 (2020-05-23 19:00:00)
    velium threaded girdle181 (2020-05-09 19:00:00)
    minor kromrif etching30 (2020-05-02 19:00:00)
    median kromrif etching x280 (2020-05-02 19:00:00)
    glowing kromrif etching125 (2020-05-02 19:00:00)
    minor kromrig etching x270 (2020-05-02 19:00:00)
    faded ice woven arms armor259 (2020-04-17 19:00:00)
    restless bunker40 (2020-04-12 14:30:00)
    faded ice woven chest armor370 (2020-04-04 19:00:00)
    hunters cloak154 (2020-03-14 19:00:00)
    brewbeards stein80 (2020-03-08 14:30:00)
    median kromrif etching x2122 (2020-02-23 14:30:00)
    minor kromrif etching x2120 (2020-02-22 19:00:00)
    diamondized velium ore nugget575.5 (2020-01-26 14:30:00)
    lesser spellbound ring x240 (2019-12-21 19:00:00)
    median spellbound ring5 (2019-12-21 19:00:00)
    boneburners remains207 (2019-11-30 19:00:00)
    glowing spellbound ring65 (2019-11-24 14:30:00)
    lesser spellbound ring35 (2019-11-23 19:00:00)
    veiled victorious horizon binding head muhbis250 (2019-11-10 14:30:00)
    greater spellbound ring35 (2019-11-09 19:00:00)
    glowing spellbound ring45 (2019-10-13 14:30:00)
    minor spellbound ring x2102 (2019-09-28 19:00:00)
    greater spellbound ring55 (2019-09-28 19:00:00)
    greater spellbound ring61 (2019-09-14 19:00:00)
    lesser spellbound ring x2102 (2019-08-25 14:30:00)
    minor spellbound ring50 (2019-08-18 11:30:00)
    median spellbound ring55.5 (2019-08-18 11:30:00)
    greater spellbound ring50 (2019-08-11 14:30:00)
    black battleworn sporran65 (2019-08-10 19:00:00)
    exultant inhabited muhbis260 (2019-08-03 19:10:00)
    flawless conflagrant diamond x6120 (2019-07-13 19:00:00)
    flawless conflagrant diamond11 (2019-06-30 14:30:00)
    Minor Essence of the Citadel13 (2015-05-06 20:30:00)
    Minor Essence of the Citadel13 (2015-05-06 20:30:00)
    Minor Essence of the Citadel13 (2015-05-06 20:30:00)
    Lesser Essence of the Citadel15 (2015-05-05 20:30:00)
    Lesser Essence of the Citadel15 (2015-05-05 20:30:00)
    Os Avus190 (2015-04-21 20:30:00)
    Facia Fatuom125 (2015-04-15 20:30:00)
    Anulia Gelu110 (2015-04-15 20:30:00)
    Greater Essence of the Citadel25 (2015-04-14 20:30:00)
    Darkwater Armguards150 (2015-03-17 20:30:00)
    Magna Fulgia50 (2015-03-17 20:30:00)
    Lionskin Frock22 (2014-12-30 14:30:00)
    Solution of Unfreezing Ice85 (2014-10-07 20:30:00)
    Decaying Sorcerer's Mask110 (2014-09-30 20:30:00)
    Treasure Hunter's Satchel55 (2014-08-19 20:30:00)
    Fine Silk Sash155 (2014-08-14 20:30:00)
    Tear of Ro155 (2014-08-12 20:30:00)
    Phoenix Feather Earring325 (2014-07-22 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote30 (2014-07-10 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote30 (2014-07-10 20:30:00)
    Tunic of Suppressed Ether111 (2014-05-14 20:30:00)
    circlet of the ebon evoker15 (2014-05-01 20:30:00)
    Boots of Suppressed Ether125 (2014-04-30 20:30:00)
    Gloves of Suppressed Ether60 (2014-04-17 20:30:00)
    Wand of Wanton Disease20 (2014-04-15 20:30:00)
    Lesser Terrormote5 (2014-04-03 20:30:00)
    Leggings of Suppressed Ether75 (2014-04-02 20:30:00)
    Tarnished Garnet Earring40 (2014-03-26 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote8 (2014-03-26 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote8 (2014-03-26 20:30:00)
    Bracer of Suppressed Ether55 (2014-03-12 20:30:00)
    Bracer of Suppressed Ether55 (2014-03-12 20:30:00)
    Noose of Dreadful Endings26 (2014-03-12 20:30:00)
    Silk-Lined Mantle50 (2014-02-20 20:30:00)
    Sycophant's Carved Loop100 (2014-02-19 20:30:00)
    Bonespike Earring100 (2014-02-19 20:30:00)
    Glimmering Cloak70 (2014-02-13 20:30:00)
    Median Terrormote5 (2014-02-13 20:30:00)
    Median Terrormote5 (2014-02-13 20:30:00)
    Royal Scepter of Thex45 (2014-02-11 20:30:00)
    Captured Essence of Ethernere6 (2014-02-11 20:30:00)
    Captured Essence of Ethernere6 (2014-02-11 20:30:00)
    Buckler of the Roaring Lion125 (2014-02-11 20:30:00)
    Emerald Tinged Court Sash75 (2014-02-06 20:30:00)
    Captured Essence of Ethernere6 (2014-02-06 20:30:00)
    Captured Essence of Ethernere6 (2014-02-06 20:30:00)
    Shemagh of Sagacity40 (2014-01-23 20:30:00)
    Minor Terrormote7 (2014-01-23 20:30:00)
    Glowing Terrormote6 (2014-01-16 20:30:00)
    Glowing Terrormote6 (2014-01-16 20:30:00)
    Crescent Staff of the Shissar10 (2014-01-15 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote6 (2014-01-08 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote6 (2014-01-08 20:30:00)
    Bloody Wraps45 (2014-01-08 20:30:00)
    Lesser Terrormote6 (2014-01-07 20:30:00)
    Lesser Terrormote6 (2014-01-07 20:30:00)
    Glowing Terrormote8 (2013-12-19 20:30:00)
    Glowing Terrormote8 (2013-12-19 20:30:00)
    Greater Terrormote8 (2013-12-19 20:30:00)
    Glowing Terrormote10 (2013-12-18 20:30:00)
    Glowing Terrormote10 (2013-12-18 20:30:00)

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