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    Quest: Ranger Epic 1.5 for Character : Legolaas

      Borrowed Medicine Bag and 6 Magical Sample Vials.
    ( ) Talk with Athele in East Karanas.
    ( ) Forage Sickly Maiden's Hair in Rathe Mountains.
    ( ) Give hair to Althele in East Karana. Receive Tuft of Sicky Maiden's Hair.
    ( ) Give Tuft to Corun Finisc in Surefall Glade. Get a Medicine bag and 6 vials back.
      Eight Loop Lasso and Large Butterfly Net.
    Buy a Fletching kit, Smithing hammer and Whittling Knife (found in Abysmal sea).
    Forage a Fallen Tree branch in Draniks Scar.
    Forage in any OOW zone for 8x 'Golanda Nut (Higher level zones = better forage rates)
    Forage Pine Sap in Jaggedpine Forest or Nedaria's Landing.
    Kill Phase Spiders in Dragon Necropolis for 4x Phase Spider Silk.
    Fletching kit combine Smithy hammer + Golanda nut = Fibrous Rope.
    Fletching kit combine 8x Fibrous Rope = Eight-Loop Lasso.
    Fletching kit combine 4x Phase Spider Silk + Pine Sap = Phase Netting.
    Fletching kit combine Fallen Tree Branch + Whittling Knife = Long Net Pole.
    Fletching kit combine Long Net Pole + Phase Netting = Large Butterfly Net.
      Six Blood Samples.
    Capture a twitching swordfish in Sirens grotto.
    Capture a bloated drogan spider in Temple of Droga.
    Capture a leprous chokidai in Chardok B.
    Capture a sickly mosquito in Cazic Thule.
    Combine each captured animal in a fletching kit with a magic Vial to get its blood.
    Kill Neurologic Huntress In Western Wastes. Loot its blood.
    Kill Asteatotic Highborn in Veksar. Loot its blood.
    Put all 6 bloods in the medicine bag, combine, give to Corun. You get Corun's Notes.
      Red Dogwood Seed
    Say What Diseases of the mind to Shana Liskia in West Freport. Hand her the Notes. Recieve Coruns notes-annotated.
    Go to the Deep. Kill an ancient thought horror. Loot Thick Spinal Fluid.
    Give Thick Spinal Fluid and Notes back to Shana Liskia in West Freeport. Get Mind Crystal.

    Say you are diseased a lot to Thorlis in East Karana. Get 2 new crystals.

    Give 2 new crystals to Shana Liskia in West Freeport. Get Letter to Corun.
    Give Letter to Corun and Mind Crystal to Corun. Get Red Dogwood Seed.
      The Two Blessings. (Two Raid Encounters)
    Kill Marshal Histient in The Bloodfields. Talk to Grinbik the Fertile. Get Grinbik's Blessing.
    Kill Spiritbinder Trenzar in Natimbi. Talk to Senvial. Get Senvial's Blessing.
    Go to P1380 n960 in Jaggedpine Forest. Pick up the Fertile Earth groundspawn there.

    Combine the 2 Blessings + Red Dogwood Seed in the Fertile Earth. Get Heartwood and Dogwood Seed.

    Give the Dogwood Seed to Corun in Surefall Glade. Get Block of Purest Silver.
      Heartwood Blade. (One Raid Encounter)

    Kill Svenril Fireskin in The Ruined City of Dranik. Talk to Uisima. Give him Heartwood. Get Wind-blessed Heartwood.

    Combine Wind-blessed Heartwood and Block of Purest Silver in a Fletching kit to get Heartwood Blade.