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    Quest: TBS - Jonas Dagmires Skeletal Hand (Augment) for Character : Legolaas

      Jardel's Hook  
    Bilgewater Bill - The Buried Sea - The Meek Shall What?
    - Dump the slop in the water south of the camp, shoreward of the big rocks 0/4 - The Buried Sea

    Sometimes the basilisk needed in mission pops and attacks, yellowcon.

    say "do some" to get the mission

    Scurv-acious Bella Straw - The Buried Sea - Just Desserts
    -Kill 8 Blacksail Pirates - The Buried Sea
    *Easily kiteable...pirates range from blue to yellow to a level 75.

    say "kill a few" to get mission

    Murderous Mal - The Buried Sea - Low on Rum
    -Deliver 10 Remnant Rum to Merderous Mal
    *Drop off any of the blacksail pirates on the main island. Drop rate is pretty low, however. 1/10 perhaps. Appears to drop more frequently off of the mobs from the ship.

    say "some tasks" to get mission

    Murderous Mal - Buried Sea - Thieves Among Thieves
    -Loot 1 Crate of Goods - The Buried Sea
    *Rare. Took 50 kills to get one. Another 30 to get a second one for another person. Same soloable mobs drop the crate, however, and more frequent drop rate inside the ship.

    say "some tasks" to get mission

    Murderous Mal - The Buried Sea - Deliver The Goods
    -Deliver 1 Package of Goods to Silverlip Slim - The Barren Coast
    (Three mobs ambush you after a few moments. One will drop a Bill of Sale)
    -Deliver 1 Bill of Sale to Murderous Mal - The Buried Sea
    *These mobs do not summon and may be kited. They also do not spawn instantaneously so you may turn in your package, run back away from the docks and within 15 seconds they will run and stand where Silverlip stands. The mobs can vary from yellow to all blue and the Bill drops off of the troll mob that is generally higher con. Kill the troll and then abscond since you don't need the other two for anything.

    say "some tasks" to get mission

    Sid Hacke - The Buried Sea - Snake Milk
    -Loot 5 Sea Snake Venom Sac 0/5 - The Buried Sea
    *To spawn the snakes, in the crescent off the main isle, kill all the turtles in the water, the snakes will spawn from them. Turtles spawn in a cluster in the SW nook of the main island.
    Darius Blythe - The Buried Sea - Fire In The Hold
    -Kill 2 Blacksail dockworker 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Find a good location for the 'package' to be dropped 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Speak with Darius Blythe 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *You simply need to enter the boat and not be in combat or invis to get the update. The main level where the bar is is where you get the update and be ready to run as fast as you can to get out alive!
    Darius Blythe - The Buried Sea - Old Cutlasses For New
    -Loot 4 Blacksail Officer's Cutlass 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Blacksail Officer's Cutlass to Darius Blythe - 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    *These are a pretty common drop off of the pirates in the ship
    Darius Blythe - The Buried Sea - That Was The Deal
    -Loot 5 I.O.U. Note 0/5 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 5 I.O.U. Note to Darius Blythe 0/5 - The Buried Sea
    *Another common drop from ship mobs.
      Redfeather Isle  

    Rickan - The Buried Sea - Raptors, Basilisks, Pumas, Oh My!
    -Collect a pair of Supple Basilisk Pelts 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect a pair of Supple Puma Skins 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect a pair of Supple Raptor Skins 0/2 - the Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Supple Basilisk Pelts to Rickan 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Supple Puma Skins to Rickan 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Supple Raptor Skins 0/2 - The Buried Sea


    Rickan - The Buried Sea - A Red-Plumed Hat
    -Collect several Red Aviak Feathers 0/5 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver several Red Aviak Feathers to Rickan 0/5 - The Buried Sea


    Rickan - The Buried Sea - Regrua-Shell Armor
    -Collect several Regrua Shells 0/5 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver several Regrua Shells to Rickan - The Buried Sea
    *All kiteable. Items can also drop off of the named (summoners) versions of these mobs on the southernmost west "foot" island.

    Johnny the Black Crow - The Buried Sea - Ahoy! Treasures Washed Ashore - Johnny the Black Crow
    -Collect a Stack of Navigation Charts 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect the Silver Belt Buckles 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect an Ancient Sextant 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect the Merchant Vessel Trade Routes 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect the Sister Island Skivvies 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Stack of Navigation Charts to Johnny the Black Crow 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Silver Belt Buckles to Johnny the Black Crow 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Ancient Sextant to Johnny the Black Crow 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Merchant Vessel Trade Routes to Johnny the Black Crow 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver the Sister Island Skivvies to Johnny the Black Crow 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    The chests can be found at the following locations. The last two are underwater and they are a 6 minute respawn.
    (-4155, 1059) Sister Island Skivvies
    (-3146, 1755) Merchant Vessel Trade Routes
    (-4216, 1736) Stack of Navigation Charts
    (-4090, 2621) Silver Belt Buckles
    (-2861, 2809) Ancient Sextant


    Johnny the Black Crow - The Buried Sea - Charting Redfeather Isle
    -Locate the northern "raindrop" islet (-2912, 2436)
    -Locate the central "raindrop" islet (-3393, 2840)
    -Locate the southern "raindrop" islet (-3933, 2916)
    -Locate the entrance to the Aviak city (-3810, 827)
    -Locate the temple dedicated to Karana (-3598, 616)
    -Ascend the staircase of the azure flame (-4186, 1205)
    -Speak to Johnny the Crow 0/1 - The Buried Sea


      Blacksail Isle  

    Logan Grimm - The Buried Sea - Recruitment Letters
    -Find 4 Letters of Recruitment 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Letter of Recruitment to Logan Grimm 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Speak with Logan Grimm about your reward 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *Really common drop off of any of the Blacksail pirates on the north-central island.

    Logan Grimm - The Buried Sea - Pirate Rum
    -Loot 1 Blacksail Rum recipe 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Blacksail Rum Recipe to Logan Grimm 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Speak with Logan Grimm about your reward 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *These only drop off of the named pirates on the island. There are a few that spawn outside of the fort but most of them spawn inside the fort. Keys to the fort are a very common drop off of any of the pirates outside. Too many hp to solo with my gear and all the named mobs summon. Bring a friend! (Recipes are rare)
    Logan Grimm - The Buried Sea - Hair of the Dog
    -Loot 4 Dog Hairs from blacksail hounds 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Dog Hairs to Logan Grimm 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Speak with Logan Grimm about your reward 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *Not nearly as many dogs as there are pirates, these took me the longest on the island.
    Logan Grimm - The Buried Sea - Killing the Rivals
    -Kill 20 Sharpeye Recruits 0/20 - The Buried Sea
    -Report your success to Logan Grimm 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *This is a freebie since you'll kill many more than 20 to finish the other tasks.

    Logan Grimm - The Buried Sea - The Makings of a Disguise
    -Loot 4 Blacksail Pantaloons 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 4 Blacksail Tunics 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 4 Blacksail Sashs 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 2 Blacksail Eye Patches 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Blacksail Pantaloons to Logan Grimm 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Blacksail Tunics to Logan Grimm 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Blacksail Sashs to Logan Grimm 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 2 Blacksail Eye Patches to Logan Grimm 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Speak with Logan Grimm about your reward 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *The clothes drop nearly 100% of the time, just a matter of getting all the ones you need.


      Deadbone Reef  

    Sid Hacke - The Buried Sea - Deadbone Meats
    -Loot 3 Thulii meat from lizards on Deadbone Reef 0/3 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 3 gali balalaa meat from snakes on Deadbone Reef 0/3 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 3 Thulii meat to Sid Hacke 0/3 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 3 Gali Balalaa meat to Sid Hacke 0/3 - The Buried Sea
    -Ask Sid Hacke about your compensation 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *Both easy to solo, did not summon.


    Sid Hacke - The Buried Sea - Shark Meats
    -Loot 7 intact Deadbone Shark Fin from sharks on the waters of Deadbone Reef 0/7 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 7 intact Deadbone Shark Fin to Sid Hacke 0/7 - The Buried Sea
    -Ask Sid Hacke about your compensation. 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    These are the most annoying mobs to kite besides the Sirens. You can snare them but you're going to have to swim. Additionally, they are in unsafe water. I chose the far north point of Deadbone Reef and kited them around in the very north since it seems relatively safe.


    Sid Hacke - The Buried Sea - Small Matters
    -Loot 7 Shrunken Head from galigaba on Deadbone Reef 0/7 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 7 Shrunken Head to Sid Hacke 0/7 - The Buried Sea
    -Ask Sid Hacke about your compensation 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *This was easy and kiteable. They are on the top of the mountain area on the reef isle and the head is about a 50% drop.


    Sid Hacke - The Buried Sea - Rumors of Flame
    -Find the underwater flame. 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Kill 20 Drowned Dead 0/20 - The Buried Sea
    -Report what you found to Sid Hacke 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *The flame is in a pit, deep one, all the way at the bottom. The entrance is in the water right below the beach at loc (2860, -3980). It is a very deep skinny tunnel straight down, not the one that branches. It is full of skeletons so ivu!
    Sid Hacke - The Buried Sea - Hidden Riches
    -Explore the Silver Sail 0/1 - The Buried Sea(3343, -3297)
    -Loot 2 Sailors Booty from Drowned Dead 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Explore the Sea Spirit 0/1 - The Buried Sea (4064, -3342)
    -Loot 2 Knight's Booty from Drowned Dead 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Explore the Red Storm 0/1 - The Buried Sea (3283, -3893)
    -Loot 2 Pirate Booty from Drowned Dead 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 2 Sailor's Booty to Sid Hacke 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 2 Knight's Booty to Sid Hacke 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 2 Pirate Booty to Sid Hacke 0/2 - The Buried Sea
    -Ask Sid Hacke about your compensation 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    *I got explore updates running on horse and levitating over the ruins in the water. The undead have huge aggro range though so be careful. Nexus gate came in quite nicely! Siene says thats too much work and that the true way to do it is to run out of range and let them deaggro!
      Suncrest Reef  
    Bryden Snow - Barren Coast - Investigating the Combine Ruins
    -Kill 10 firemaw tiger 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Kill 10 sharpfang raptor 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Kill 10 darkclaw basilisk 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect 10 Combine Stone (s) 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 10 Combine Stone to Bryden Snow 0/10 - Barren Coast
    *Combine stones pretty much drop off every other mob on the island. Grab them while you're camping the named for the other tasks. They are also tradeable so if you can find some for sale in the bazaar, you'll get credit just for obtaining them. Curiously they drop in other expansions as well.
    Bryden Snow - Barren Coast - Mapping Suncrest Ridge
    -Explore the combine ruins 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-1240, -2470)
    -Explore the graveyard of wood and stone 0/1 - The Buried Sea (300, -3050)
    -Explore the lake of steam and fire 0/1 - The Buried Sea(-750, -3010)
    -Explore the seething volcano 0/1 - The Buried Sea(-830, -3265)
    -Explore the coral bridge(-1250, -3600)
    -Speak with Brynden Snow
    *This island is FULL of see invis mobs from drakes to raptors to basilisks. You CAN get every update without breaking invis at all so just be careful about getting to the locs. Don't go flying through a nest of mobs trying to get to the locs I posted. Just levitate and float around a clump of mobs until you get the update.

    Bryden Snow - Barren Coast - Steamdrake Potions
    -Collect 10 Fire Drake Wing(s) 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect 10 Water Drake Wings 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 10 Fire Drake Wing to Brynden Snow 0/10 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 10 Water Drake Wing to Brynden Snow 0/10 - Buried Sea
    *Nearly every drake drops TWO wings each. This is nice and this task goes quickly. The drakes aren't resistant to fire and ice like you might think.


    Bryden Snow - Barren Coast - The Abandoned Relics
    -Collect 1 Crumbling Relic(s) 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect 1 Chipped Relic(s) 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect 1 Scratced Relic(s) 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Collect 1 Eroded Relic(s) 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Crumbling Relic to Brynden Snow 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Chipped Relic to Brynden Snow 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Scratched Relic to Brynden Snow 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Eroded Relic to Brynden Snow 0/1 - Barren Coast
    *These drop from goblins and you will get these while you camp for the named in the quest below. They are very common and this task is simple.


    Bryden Snow - Barren Coast - Totem of War and Fire
    -Kill 10 Tidewater goblins 0/10 – The Buried Sea
    -Collect a totem piece from Lutzan, the Magma Reaver 0/1 – The Buried Sea
    -Kill 10 Sunstone goblins 0/10 – The Buried Sea
    -Collect a totem piece from Maleko, the Sea Prophet 0/1 – The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Water Totem Piece to Bryden Snow 0/1 – Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Fire Totem Piece to Bryden Snow 0/1 – Barren Coast
    *Lutzan and Maleko are named spawns and can take awhile to get them to spawn. Lutzan spawns in a hut underwater south east of the shore and Maleko spawns in a hut with other red goblins. There is only one place for the red goblins to spawn so it shouldn't be hard to find. The huts are outlined on some maps. Respawn is relatively fast like everything else in the zone but these really are a pain to get to pop.


      Maiden Grave  

    Pirate Smythe - The Buried Sea - Uncovered Treasure
    -Loot 4 Bundle of Sea Charts 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Bundle of Sea Charts to Pirate Smythe 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    *Chests don't spawn in the same place over and over again like the ones on Redfeather. Swim around the base of all the islands and the big one to find these.


    Captain Pete - The Buried Sea - The Lost Crew
    -Collect the remains of four sailors and return them to Captain Pete 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    *You will get emotes in yellow as you roam around saying "You notice what looks like a pile of bones nearby. These are REALLY hard to see ground spawns. Locs that I got them at are: (1530, 3200), (1980, 2715), (2120, 4290), (3000, 4570) I got two in the exact same spot (the first loc) and have since given up trying to find more. I'm going to assume these are static and I'm going to stick with the first loc since I need like 10 more and I know I can see this one easily. Some of them that I "spawned" I never did find due to the zone graphics. I am told now that these also drop off of the undead that roam on the eastern side of the island.


    Captain Pete - The Buried Sea - Scouting Maiden's Grave
    -Find the arch known as the Gateway to the Sea. 0/1 - The Buried Sea (3360, 3200) Need invis
    -Find the beach of the undead. 0/1 - The Buried Sea (2725, 3075) Need invis to undead
    -Explore the northern beach of the island. 0/1 - The Buried Sea (3810, 4140) Need invis
    -Explore the large pool in the center of the island 0/1 - The Buried Sea (2770, 3850)
    -Explore each of the five outlying islands 0/1 - The Buried Sea (4660, 4060) Safe
    -Explore each of the five outlying islands 0/1 - The Buried Sea (4175, 3310) Safe
    -Explore each of the five outlying islands 0/1 - The Buried Sea (1790, 2720) Safe
    -Explore each of the five outlying islands 0/1 - The Buried Sea (1600, 3130) Safe
    -Explore each of the five outlying islands 0/1 - The Buried Sea (1575, 4420) Safe
    -Report your findings to Captain Pete 0/1 - The Buried Sea

    Merchant Wain - Barren Coast - Siren Combs
    -Loot 4 Siren Comb 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Siren Comb to Merchant Wain 0/4 - Barren Coast
    *Sirens are VERY annoying for a wizard to kill. They reflect nukes very commonly and these combs are incredibly rare. Light blue ones drop combs. Annulling these twice is supposed to do the trick.


    Merchant Wain - Barren Coast - Siren Hair
    -Loot 4 Lock of Siren Hair 0/4 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 4 Lock of Siren Hair 0/4 - Barren Coast
    *Sirens are VERY annoying for a wizard to kill. They reflect nukes very commonly and hair is rare although not as bad as the combs. Dark blue ones drop hair. Annulling these twice is supposed to do the trick.


      Monkey Rock  

    Trophy Hunter Locke - Barren Coast - Jaguar Trophies
    -Loot 1 Pristine Jaguar Pelt from Jaguar on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Jaguar Paw from Jaguar on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Jaguar Canine from Jaguar on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Lightly Damaged Jaguar Carcass from Jaguar on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Jaguar Pelt to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Jaguar Paw to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Jaguar Canine to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Lightly Damaged Jaguar Carcass to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast


    Trophy Hunter Locke - Barren Coast - Monkey Trophies
    -Loot 1 Pristine Gorilla Pelt from Gorillas on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Gorilla Paw from Gorillas on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Gorilla Canine from Gorillason Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Lightly Damaged Gorilla Carcass from Gorillas on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Gorilla Pelt to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Gorilla Paw to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Gorilla Canine to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Lightly Damaged Gorilla Carcass to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast


    Trophy Hunter Locke - Barren Coast - Python Trophies
    - Loot 1 Pristine Python Skin from Python on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Python Head from Python on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Python Fang from Python on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Lightly Damaged Python Carcass from Python on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Python Skin to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Python Head to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Python Fang to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Lightly Damaged Python Carcass to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast


    Trophy Hunter Locke - Barren Coast - Raptor Trophies
    -Loot 1 Pristine Raptor Claw from Raptors on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Raptor Skin from Raptors on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Pristine Raptor Canine from Raptors on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Loot 1 Lightly Damaged Raptor Carcass from Raptors on Monkey Rock 0/1 - The Buried Sea
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Raptor Claw to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Raptor Skin to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Pristine Raptor Canine to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    -Deliver 1 Lightly Damaged Raptor Carcass to Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast

    *The above tasks are all straight forward. The drops are maybe 1/5 and its completely random which you get. Undoubtably you'll be stuck on a single piece for each for awhile but its very easy and very soloable. The mobs are all light blue to a level 75.


    Scouting Monkey Rock
    -Explore some of the ruins 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-3915, -2500)
    -Explore some of the ruins 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-3290, -3440)
    -Explore some of the ruins 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-4075, -4050)
    -Explore the observatory 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-4795, -3445) Invis to undead here
    -Explore the druid rings 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-3810, -2800)
    -Explore the southern sunken head 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-5025, -3020)
    -Explore the central sunken head 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-4240, -3470))
    -Find the northern most point of the island 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-3075, -4330)
    -Find the southern most point of the island 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-5165, -3380)
    -Find the eastern most point of the island 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-3225, -4425))
    -Find the western most point of the island 0/1 - The Buried Sea (-3880, -2450)
    -Report your findings to Trophy Hunter Locke 0/1 - Barren Coast
    *There are undead on the southern portion of the island so be careful! Everything else does not see invis.


      The Combines  

    Have 70 Dubloones to buy 7x Bone Joint Compound (10 dubloones each)

    Halon Griere sells those in TBS.





    Little Finger:
    <*>Little Finger Distal Phalanx
    <*>Little Finger Middle Phalanx
    <*>Little Finger Proximal Phalanx
    <*>Little Finger Metacarpal



    <*>Forefinger Distal Phalanx
    <*>Forefinger Middle Phalanx
    <*>Forefinger Proximal Phalanx
    <*>Forefinger Metacarpal



    <*>Long Finger Distal Phalanx
    <*>Long Finger Middle Phalanx
    <*>Long Finger Proximal Phalanx
    <*>Long Finger Metacarpal


    Ring Finger:

    <*>Ring Finger Distal Phalanx
    <*>Ring Finger Middle Phalanx
    <*>Ring Finger Proximal Phalanx
    <*>Ring Finger Metacarpal



    <*>Thumb Distal Phalanx
    <*>Thumb Metacarpal
    <*>Thumb Proximal Phalanx


    Final Combine  
    Augmentation type: 7 8
    Slot: HANDS
    AC: 15
    STR: +10 DEX: +10 STA: +10 CHA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +135 MANA: +135 ENDUR: +135
    SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10
    Regeneration: +4
    Required level of 65.
    WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    Item Information:
    You must use the solvent Class XVII Augmentation Distiller to remove this augment safely.