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    Quest: Key - Emperors Chamber for Character : Legolaas

      Drops to Collect :
    Zone: Ssraeshza Temple
    Taskmaster's Pouch
    In the basement of the temple, kill named Taskmasters until you obtain a Taskmaster's Pouch.
    Zazuzh's Idol
    Kill Commander Zazuzh, on the first floor, and obtain the Zazuzh's Idol.
    Zeruzsh's Ring
    Kill Commander Zeruzsh, on the second floor, to get the ring.
    Ssraeshzian Insignia
    Go to the imperial guard chamber and kill the guards until one of the named Mobs spawns. They drop the insignia.
    Combine the idol, ring and insignia in the pouch and you will receive the Ring of Shissar, which gets you into the Emperor's Chamber.