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    Quest: TSS: Artisan Charm for Character : Nysa

      Easy Combine Stuff
    Create a Mounted Black Saphire (Jewelcraft, Trivial 16: Black Sapphire & 2xVelium Bar)
    Create a Mounted Jacinth (Jewelcraft, Trivial 16: Jacinth & 2xVelium Bar)
    Create a Mounted Diamond (Jewelcraft, Trivial 16: Diamond & 2xVelium Bar)
    Create a Mounted Blue Diamond (Jewelcraft, Trivial 16: Blue Diamond & 2xVelium Bar)
      Creating Artisan Ceramic Clay
    Obtain a small Block of Magic Clay
    Obtain Golden Ember Powder
    Obtain Steppes Reptile Meat
    Obtain Wasp Spider Silk
    Obtain Leopard Intestines
    Obtain Vergalid Clay

    Obtain Basilisk Scale

    Obtain Stonemight Silver
    Obtain Steppes Ore


      Creating the Artisan Ceramic Clay (Pottery: trivial 262)

    Combine the following in a Pottery Wheel, or Tanaan Pottery Wheel:

    • a small Block of Magic Clay
    • Golden Ember Powder
    • Steppes Reptile Meat
    • Wasp Spider Silk
    • Leopard Intestines
    • Vergalid Clay
    • Basilisk Scale
    • Stonemight Silver
    • Steppes Ore

    to create Artisan Ceramic Clay

      Createing the unfired Artisan Charm (Pottery: trivial 250)

    Combine the following in a Pottery Wheel, or Tanaan Pottery Wheel:

    • Water Flask
    • Mounted Black Sapphire
    • Mounted Jacinth
    • Mounted Diamond
    • Mounted Blue Diamond
    • Artisan Ceramic Clay

    to create the unfired Artisan Charm

      Last Step: Firing the Artisan Charm (Pottery: trivial 250)

    Combine the following in :Kiln, Tanaan Kiln

    • High Quality Firing Sheet
    • Unfired Artisan Charm

    to create the Artisan Charm

    Artisan Charm
    Slot: CHARM
    AC: 30
    STR: +25 DEX: +25 STA: +25 CHA: +25 WIS: +25 INT: +25
    AGI: +25 HP: +225 MANA: +225 Endurance: +225
    SV FIRE: +20 SV DISEASE: +20 SV COLD: +20 SV MAGIC: +20
    SV POISON: +20
    Recommended level of 70
    Required level of 51
    WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL
    Slot type 7:empty
    Slot type 8:empty

    Item Information:
    This charm gains power as your baking, brewing, fletching, jewelry making, pottery, black smithing and tailoring skills increase.