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    Quest: Enchanter Epic 1.5 for Character : Amazmo

      Start - Enchanter 1.5
    Talk to Jeb Lumsed
    Take your epic 1 (equipped or not) and talk to Jeb Lumsed in Burning Woods (-1200, -4000). Talk to him and say "I am prepared" to receive a Tattered Illegible Tome. It's a 10 slot container so you'll need a top slot.
      Collecting The Pages
    -262, +356, -117, jump off the bridge into the water, down the water tube and out into the room, out of the room and turn right. The page is on the floor in one of the cells.
    Cazic Thule
    424, -363, just north of wizzy spire, three pillars in the room with some lizards
    Crystal Caverns
    -592, -942, -536, queen's room
    +148, +383, +3, Skyshrine tower quest room
    Velketor's Labyrinth
    +262, -426, +21, dog tents - first one on the left
    +786, +1746, -82, near the Broodmother
    -158, -119, -19, near Rathyl
    Fungus Grove
    +1136, +1277, near the VT key shard camp
    Ocean of Tears
    +554, +9272, NW corner of the zone - Sirens Isle
    Howling Stones
    -135 +243 -163, Drop down at zone in, then west, then south
      Returning the book
    Combine the pages in the book
    Put all the pages in the book and press combine.
    Hand the book back to Jeb Lumsed
    Jeb will send you to see Maelin in PoK
    Talk to Grand Librarian Maelin
    He is at the top of the elevator in the PoK library. Tell him "jeb sent me". He will tell you to talk to Illusionist Lobaen and give you a note to hand her.
    Give the note to Illusionist Lobaen
    She is with the Enchanter spell vendors in the PoK library. She will give you Sealed Documents.
    Give the Sealed Documents to Jeb Lumsed
    Back to Burning Woods and give Jeb the Sealed Documents. He will give you back an instruction book and tell you to ask for a chest.
    Ask Jeb Lumsed for the chest
    Ask Jeb for a chest and he will give you an Ornate Staff Chest which is another 10 slot container for putting the collected pieces into.
      Collecting the staff pieces
    Gold Filigree
    Kill An Enticing Potameid in Natimbi.(Loc -843 pos 1560 pos 96) She's near to the land, is not trackable, and is in the water. Follow around the edges of land. She cons indifferent. Hits fairly hard. Soloable. What I did was mez her. Then debuffed her with slow and cripple. Then had my summoned pet beat on her while i tanked with Rune. Also nuking every once in awhile. Have root up cause she runs.Easy kill. She summons. Kill and loot Sullied Gold Filigree. Take the Sullied Gold Filigree to Anthone Chapin, in the NW basement in Halls of Honor, (2484,-1850,-114) he's near two Valorian guards that must be pacified to do the turn in or else they will aggro. Hand it in to Anthone and he gives you Purified Gold Filigree
    1st Piece of the Staff
    Go to Castle Mistmoore and collect Taste of Enticement at approximately -220 +365 (top of the tower where Garton Viswin spawns. Take the fruit to the 7th floor of the Tower of Frozen Shadows (Tserinna's floor). Charm Advisor Svartmane (no alla link yet) and hand him the fruit to receive 1st Piece of the Staff! This is super easy if you have master Key. Walk up to left mirror and click and your right in front of him. If not you need to go up all the floors. So find somone with a master key. They can port up groups
    2nd Piece of the Staff
    Drops off the rare spawn The yrendan scarab in the back of the caves in PoJ. Level 62, hits for about 300. He's an enchanter, go figure. Loc is aprox -1300, -850. Took me about 6 hours to get him to spawn. Room has three spawn points, with another just outside of the room. Long boring camp. Enchanters will come to hate this one
    3rd Piece of the Staff
    Head to Vxed in GoD to find and kill any Vxed Named to receive the 3rd piece. (Vxed nameds: not too tough, good group easy)
    4th Piece of the Staff
    Head to the Bloodfields in OoW to find and kill War Caller Kaavi to receive the 4th piece. (War Caller: hits for 2k+, two groupable, 1 if you're really good; isn't targetable until you kill all the sentries of Kaavi in the area)
    Ornate Staff Topper
    Head to Siren's Grotto in Velious to find and kill Faleniel of Darkwater for the staff topper. (Faleniel: hits for about 2k, permarooted, two ae's (slow & dd) two groupable easy)
    Incandescent Oil
    So far we have a "greasy clockwork" in Plane of Innovation (loc please?) that drops "glimmering oil" still need to get some dragon oil and a dye to brew these... (clockwork: hits approx 1.8k, ae blinds a'la Junkbeast, 2 groups or 8-9 folks w/2-3 healers)
    All-seeing Eye
    Head to Plane of Mischief off of Great Divide to find and kill All-Seeing Eye for the all-seeing eye. (ASE: pain in the @#%$, hits for approx 2k, highly resistant, has a dot (1300 initial + 300/tick) that hits everyone on his hatelist, 4 groups?)
      Completing the Staff
    Combine the items
    Combine all the pieces of the staff in the Ornate Staff Chest.
    Hand the chest to Jeb Lumsed
    Hand the combined chest back to Jeb to receieve your Epic 1.5