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    Quest: Enchanter Epic 2.0 for Character : Amazmo

    You have the Oculus of Persuasion
    Spoke to Jeb to begin epic 2.
    Spoke to Alaurin (Wakening Land at -1030, +1715)
    Obtained The Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant
    Returned the Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant to Alaurin and spawn a Luminescent geonid in waking lands (-2500,0)
    Kill a Luminescent geonid and loot a Luminescent Crystal and give it to Alaurin and receive Purifying Crystal Fragment.
    Spoke to Vohnkare (Western Wastes at +775, -2470)
    Obtained Volatile Vampyre Blood (A Coterie Insatiate, Tenebrous mts. -1456, -1380)
    Gave Volatile Vampyre Blood to Vohnkare and received a Purifying Crystal Fragment.
      A noble
    Spoke to "a brownie noble" (the Lesser Faydark)
    Obtained a Gnomish Candy
    Obtained Koada'Dal Silk
    Obtained Feir'Dal Champagne
    Obtained Dwarven Steel
    Returned the above to a bronie noble
    Killed Miriku the Chaotic (Kael) and Looted the Harnessing Stone

    Returned the harnessing stone to the noble and received a Purifying Crystal Fragment.

    Spoke to Feyana Lightwing (the Greater Faydark, Roamer)
    Spoke to Chef Brargus (Jaggedpine Forest)
    Obtained a Mountain Pooka Meat (Vxed)
    Gave a Moutain Pooka Meat to Chef Bragus to spawn Firwyn
    Killed Firwyn and looted a Dryad Necklace (JPF, Prox triggered spawn -30, -360)
    Returned a Dryad Necklace to Feyana Lightwing and received a Purifying Crystal Fragment.
      Purifying the Occulus
    Combined the Oculus of Persuasion in a Jeweler's Kit with the four Purifying Crystal Fragments
    Spoke to Priestess Rahku (Nedaria's Landing)
    Killed Cipheron and looted a Tattered Incantation (WoS)
    Killed a withering murkglider and looted a noxious secretion (Noble's Causeway -1370, +1016)

    Gave the secretion and incantation to Priestess Rakhu

      Anguish & Final Combine
    Looted a Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish.
    Combined Globe of Discordant energy with Epic 1.5 Inside the Channeling Crystal. Receive 10aa's and Staff of Eternal Eloquence.